page 44, roller coaster of emotions (3)

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"waa! the merry go ride was so fun.. can we.. ride the roller coaster next?" sunoo suggested. sunghoon gulped, "roller coaster..? o-okay." grabbing his collar feeling a little shaky. "hey are you scared or something." sunoo squinted his eyes.

"excuse you? no of course no, come on let's go." sunghoon grabbed sunoos hand trying to convince that he was not scared of anything.

"ahhh!!" sunghoon slightly screamed. "oh come on, we haven't even droppe-"

there the roller coaster dropped, both of them screamed on the top of their lungs, after loops and hoops, they finally reached to the end, sunghoon bent 90 degrees, he felt like gasping for air, geez the five course meal he had is seriously going to reverse back to his mouth and out.

"are you okay sunghoon?" sunoo patted his back feeling concerned. "i.. i'm fine.." sunghoon coughed and adjust himself to be standing upright. "hey.. you didn't need to force yourself to ride the roller coaster with me you know.." sunoo felt bad.

"hey! it's worth the experience! now i know i should not ride anymore roller coasters." sunghoon stretched his neck feeling a bit embarrassed at how sunoo is braver than him.

"oh by the way i need to grab something from the car, uh, wait for me at the fountain." sunghoon ran before sunoo could give a response.

"o.. okay." sunoo walked towards the fountain, suddenly his phone rang from his pocket.

it was his mother.

"hah, how dare she has the guts to call me after so long.." sunoo turned off his phone feeling anger rising up. he doesn't want to get in a bad mood especially with sunghoon who prepared such amazing segments to have fun with him.

"sunoo i'm back!" sunghoon ran back, not looking breathless, but looks like he is struggling to keep something hidden behind his back. "i have a gift for you." sunghoon smiled, finally showing his fangs for the first time.

"really? oh my god, wait can i go to the toilet though? i need the suspense." sunoo smiled while slightly laughing. sunghoon exhaled nodding, "go ahead i will be waiting for you." he smiled.

sunoo ran towards the toilet, finally shutting the cubicle door angrily, he whips out his phone to find 7 missed calls from his mother. feeling done, he called back.

"what do you want? after all this tim-" sunoo scoffed

"your dad is in the hospital." sunoo hears his mother panting and crying.

he knew it wasn't a joke this time, "what happened.." sunoos voice softens.

"your dad got into an accident while on a business trip, i really need you to come this time, you never know what will happen.." his mother started crying even harder.

still feeling angry at how this wouldn't happen if they would relax themselves and care about him instead of wanting more than enough money to be with. sunoo sighs, "where are you all right now.."

".. new york.. just come sunoo, i will order a ticket for you just pack your belongings we will get you clothes when you get there."

"okay.." the call ended.

sunoo bits his lips, he feels like he is in the verge of crying, sunghoon is literally outside ready to give him a gift but then his dad had to have an accident to result him to be in a hospital.

how is he going to explain to sunghoon that he needs to go? feeling that his knees is weak, he splashed water onto his face to remove that teary eye he had.

as much as he dislikes his parents for not spending any time with him, he still cannot delay anymore and regret his mistakes just because of that part of his heart that entirely hates his parents actions.

as let out a final sigh as he walked out of the toilet, "sunghoon! i am so sorry but i have a family emergency and i need to go.. my dad is in the hospital and i cannot waste anymore time." sunoo looked down not daring to look at him in the eyes or else sunghoon might see a teary side of him.

sunghoon eyes widened in shock, "it's okay sunoo! this gift is not that important anyways..!" sunghoon putting the gifts on the bench while trying to convince sunoo, without looking at his eyes he already knows how upset sunoo is right now, "sunoo.. are you okay..?" and that's when sunoo bursted into tears.

sunghoon panicked and hugged sunoo tightly, "sunoo.. it's okay why are you crying..?" he widened his eyes as sunoos sobs got louder. "'s just i feel like i ruined the night that you prepared for and wasted so much of your effort." sunoo choked as he rapped those words out.

"sunoo, remember the phrase family first? do you need my manager to bring your dorm then to airport? you know i am always here for you right?" sunghoon released their hug forcing sunoo to look at him in the eye. seeing the sight of him broke his heart, sunoo nodded and they both quickly left the amusement park.

leaving the gifts behind.

a/n: ate? or puke

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