page 32, barbeque

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a few of hours passed and it is already 5 o' clock, it's time for them to start cooking their variety of meat in their barbeque session, during the couple of hours, they actually got some people to deliver some ingredients and supplies needed since they aren't exactly that far. it did take longer than usual to arrive but thank god they arrived on time or they might go starving for a while while the food is still raw.

all 4 of them gathered in a circle around the barbeque pit trying to light some fire to start cooking but the wind seems to be strong today, they felt like maybe some time is need to wait for the wind to cool down. wrong. it started raining and they had to bring every supplies back in to the cabin. "ah.. i didn't know it was going to rain today.. how are we supposed to do our barbeque session.." jihoon pouted feeling a little down, all the excitement he had earlier was just eaten up by pennywise in the drain. "ay ay.. it's fine, i actually saw a lot of pans in the storage room earlier when i was trying to find a pot for ramyeon, let me go check if there is a grill pan inside." minjun cheers him up patting him in the shoulder. "i will come and check with you!" sunoo slightly raised his hands.

minjun and sunoo approached the stack of pans. "wah.. so what does a grill pan looks like..?" sunoo asked remembering that he has never seen a grilled pan before. "well its like a normal pan but it has stripes on top." minjun didn't broke eye contact with the stack of pans overflowing. "strips..?" as a expert in finding things sunoo tilted his head and sees the one minjun seemed to described. sunoo approached and grabbed the pans handle, "this one?" sunoo raised the grill pan. minjun was shocked for a second, "how did you find it so fast..?"

"ahem, well i guess you could say that i am a expert in finding things!"

minjun and sunoo happily hopped towards the two guys that looked like they been through a break up. "hey guys! sunoo found a grill pan we can use to grill our meat!" minjun raised both of her hands like she was holding a ball of sun. both of the heartbroken boys started cheering as if they just won the lottery.

minjun started grabbing the ingredients out, first she is going to wash all the meat that they are going to devour tonight. second, she is going to lay all the meat down for easy access. then, she is going to use paper towels to pat the meat dry. she then starts adding all sorts of spice on the meat and rubbing the seasoning in. she then grabbed a tong and lay 2 pieces of meat on top of the grilling pan and let it cook a side for about 6 minutes as she doesn't want it to be too well done but a little rare.

meanwhile, the rest of the boys are making hotdog skewers, each one of them have a selected task to do. as for jihoon the least expert cooker, he is incharge of making the sauce and pre-heating the oven. as for sunoo he is incharge of chopping the ingredients while sunghoon waits for a while before starting to build the skewers by alternating them different ingredients each time.

the kitchen doesn't really have much space, a quarter is already taken by jihoon and his sauce ingredients all around the counter. then there's minjun taking up half of the space with her grill pan and meat laying on the tray. which ends up sunghoon and sunoo having to squeeze in the rest of the quarter of the space since the dining table is 'too full'.

sunoo starts chopping up the ingredients while sunghoon waits on the sofa for his name to be called out as there was no point in reducing the space they had. sunghoon was bored looking at the commercials playing on the tv, so he decided to just whip out his phone and start checking his emails. but everything was emptied, no new emails, no new messages no nothing. sunghoon just sighs staring blankly at the commercial break. when suddenly a interesting commercial popped up, it shows a restaurant with private dining and delicious food. he has always wanted to go try to go to a private dining restaurant last time but his past schedules always says no.

the commercial then went to add on that there is a discount if 2 or more people dine in. sunghoon decided to write down the restaurants name thinking that maybe he would be able to go there one day with someone, but who? "sunghoon! you can come and build the skewers!" sunghoon turned his head to the direction of sunoos voice. dropping his phone on the sofa he went towards the kitchen.

"minjun was still there grilling the meat and jihoon is.. still making the sauce?" sunghoon thought to himself. "i actually haven't chop finish but the amount i have already done is enough to stall time for me to finish chopping so we can finish this quicker!" sunoo smiled as him. sunghoon shyly nodded feeling like his heart was beating a lot quicker than just now. as sunghoon starts building the skewers,

there were multiple accidents where their elbows bumped into each other, "ah.. sorry i keep elbowing you.." sunoo sighed of frustration, he has been trying all sorts to stop the elbow from bumping multiple times but it just keeps happening. " don't worry sunoo, we don't have much space either.. plus jihoon should be done soon..?" sunghoon looked over to jihoon side seeing his confused face. "oh yeah.. jihoon.. how is he not done with the sauce yet.. is he adding poison or something.." sunoo glanced at jihoon before the sudden eye contact with sunghoon. they both looked away feeling a little red all of a sudden.

it's finally 6.30pm and they are finally setting up the tables waiting for the last minute of the timer to ring before they can take out their skewers. jihoon some how managed to pull off the sauce as minjun had a taste of it and it surprisingly had a burst of flavors. phew.. as sunoo finishes plating the serving utensils, minjun arrived with 4 beautiful meat sliced perfectly on a grilling pan. "wah! that smells delicious! how are you such a good cook?" sunoo formed a 'o' shape. "truth is i actually attended a cooking lesson before so i know how to do some dishes haha.." minjun scratches her head. "wah! that's so cool!" sunoo gave an thumbs up and excused himself to grab the skewers.

"thank you for the food!" the 4 of them said together. they all started digging in the meat first. jihoon gave a 'this is heaven' expression and just started getting more meat into his mouth. "hey, let's try the skewer." minjun grabbed one for herself and hand another one over to jihoon sitting right beside her, and across the table sunoo passed sunghoon a skewer before grabbing one for himself.

"this is heaven." jihoon rolled back his eyes feeling like he is ascending to where all the 5 star food were. the 3 of them laughed at his overreacting expression and continued their dinner.

a/n: i had another plot for this chapter but i enjoyed writting this too much.. PUR!

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