"Besides," Will said, "there hasn't been a single case in all this time. I think Voldemort's afraid to read him."

"The children are right," Moody growled.

"Look," Percy said, "these politicians are all the same. They will tell Harry to feed false information to the public- ask him to become their poster boy, the whole deal."

"They're already calling him the Chosen One," Nico said. "The poster boy deal is coming up in two days, tops."

"Rufus Scrimgeour looks tough," Tonks said, "but he's a bit of an idiot. I can say that, he's my boss. Or- he was until he became the Minister for Magic. That's exactly what he'd plan."

"You need to go meet him," Nico said. "ASAP."

"Hey-sap?" Sirius tilted his head. 

"A-S-A-P," Annabeth spelled. "As soon as possible."

"Oh," Molly said, rather excited to learn the new word. "Well, I agree with them. Dumbledore, you do understand that the Burrow is in fact safe enough for us all, correct? I mean, even Sirius is here now-"

"I understand that, Molly," Dumbledore said. "But he will be much more safe at Privet Drive-"

"But he'll be much more informed and well treated and just as safe here!" Will said. "I mean, there are around nine witches and wizards living here who are above age and very good with spells. You think we couldn't whip the podex of a few Death Eaters?"

Dumbledore seemed to consider this. 

"Come on," I said, sitting down. "We've got nothing to lose if anything happens, either. We're all going to be doomed for the upcoming couple of days anyway."

"It's important we tell the public the truth," Annabeth said. "Calmness and security is important, but a false sense of security never helped the victims of the bombings in World War 2. We need to learn from our past mistakes. We're at war. We cannot afford to make a mistake in the present."

 "The cards are different from last year's," Remus nodded. "This year it's a new game, with new players, new cards. We have to change our strategy or we'll lose. We can't lose."

Dumbledore gazed at his shriveled black palm. "Perhaps you are right," he said at last.

"Perhaps?" I rolled my eyes. 

"It's time the Dursleys learnt their lesson too," Sirius added. "Give them my regards, please, Dumbledore."

"You do very well for a mere seventeen year old boy," Remus said, turning to me.

"Do what very well?" I asked, frowning.

"Convincing other people to join your sides," Remus said, smiling. "A trait of a natural leader. I can see why Alexandra liked you."

I didn't know what to say to that. "I-I- Thanks."

"Both Perseus and Jason seem like natural leaders," Moody growled. "Alexandra was even more powerful of a leader." 

I smiled a bit. "She was."

Tonks sighed satisfactorily. "How long had you been together?"

"Uh... around five years," I said. "We met at summer camp."

"All the best love stories start from places of education," Molly said, smiling. Dumbledore was too busy thinking to give any input to the conversation. 

"Oh, Dad was so angry when they got together," Percy laughed. "He banned them from any PDA."

"Remember when you threatened to kill Jason?" Annabeth added. "They were around- fifteen."

Everyone except Snape and Dumbledore chuckled. We had been eighteen at the time, in truth. And Poseidon had actually run out of the sea, brandishing his trident at me threateningly before accepting the state of fate. 

"Remember when she and Clarisse came to a truce in Capture the Flag?" Will said. "That was a sight to watch." 

"Arthur, Molly," Dumbledore said suddenly, "when can Harry start his visit?"

Arthur opened his mouth but Molly interrupted, "Anytime, Dumbledore. Anytime!"

"How about Friday, my dear?" Arthur said, smiling.

"Oh, alright then. Friday," Molly said.

"Very well then," Dumbledore said. "I will send a letter to Potter. And in the meanwhile, we might as well tempt Slughorn to join the school."

"Slughorn?" Sirius chuckled. "The Potions Master?"

"What? No!" Percy said. I almost half expected Alex to join him- until I realized that she wasn't there. "Snape's a good teacher- let him stay!"

"Of course I'm staying," Snape snarled at Percy. Nico chuckled.

"Yes," Dumbledore nodded. "He'll be continuing as Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor."

"Oh, no!" Annabeth, Percy and Will groaned together. 

"No offense, Professor, but Potions was way better for you," Percy said, sitting upright. "Seriously, Defense? No way."

Snape raised an eyebrow at Percy. "I'll still be taking classes for extra credit for both Potions and Defence, Jackson. You don't want those classes to become detention, do you?"

Percy flushed red and turned away.

I couldn't help but feel my lips tug upwards a bit. 

"Well, that concludes our meeting for today," Dumbledore chuckled. 


Chaos Rising |BOOK 2| Harry Potter x PJO |Alexandra Marine|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora