22 - Strangled, Shot, and Hit- Oh My!

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The following morning, the pair was awoken by loud pounding on the front door. Grayson got there first and peeked through the peephole. "It's just Jeff." He groggily told Rainn, who just rolled into the room.

Once the door was unlocked, Jeff didn't say a hi, hello, or a how are you. He didn't even have his usual blinding smile that he typically had plastered on his lips 24/7. Instead, he stormed past Grayson and headed straight for the kitchen. Nervous he was having a mid life crisis or something of the sort, the pair shared a worried look and followed.

"Someone want to explain to me what this is?" Jeff slammed a magazine on the countertop to emphasize his point.

For the first time ever, Rainn saw Jeff frown. No, even worse, he was... angry. At a quick glance of the magazine, the 'couple' looked at each other in fear. It was of last night shenanigans. Grayson tilted his head in her direction, but she shook her head. He rose a brow and she narrowed her eyes. He nodded in understanding.

Jeff blinked, dumbfounded how they were reading each other's minds.

"It's, uh..." Grayson nervously cleared his throat. "It's a magazine."

"I know what it is." Jeff snapped, making Rainn wince. "Can either of you two children explain to me how this happened?"

Rainn looked to her 'fiancé' for help, but his expression matched the same look he got when he got his Wii taken away in the fifth grade for pantsing his teacher in the middle of the cafeteria. She still remembers his bright yellow SpongeBob boxers... anyway, she knew she was the one that had to be brave and step up.

Slowly, she raised her hand.

Jeff let out a long, disappointed sigh. "Yes, Rainn?"

"Because someone took a picture of us and put it in-"

"I know how the pictures got in the magazine!" He cut her off, his hands flailing dramatically in the air. "Why were you both caught trespassing, nearly naked, in the middle of the night!?"

Grayson rolled his eyes. "Only my shirt was off-"

"Grayson Jones." Jeff warned, a finger pointed at his face, making the younger man's jaw snap shut.

Grayson looked at Rainn, silently pleaded with her with his eyes for help. She narrowed hers, silently telling him to man up. He drew back, offended. Her eyes widened with her jaw clenched. He hung his head, defeated.

"Stop having silent conversations with each other! I can't understand them! How do you even do that?" Jeff exasperated, growing frustrated.

"It's not... us in the picture." Grayson decided.

Rainn blinked. That was the lie he was going with?

"You mean to tell me this isn't the two of you, trespassing, and nearly naked on the front of the magazine..." Jeff drawled with a deadpan expression.

"No. It's uh... that TikTok guy that looks just like me." Grayson tried with an innocent look.

"Which one?"

"The... the kid. He's like a teenager or something."

"The minor." Jeff more so stated than asked.

Grayson and Rainn looked at each other before nodding eagerly at Jeff. She didn't have any other choice besides going with it.

"Uh huh..." Jeff drew out, his fingers tapping impatiently on the countertop. "And what about Rainn?"

Grayson gulped. "You know how good people are with photoshop today." He let out a nervous laugh.

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