4 - Bread Makes You Fat

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117 reads!! Thank you everyone!! Please don't forget to comment and vote! I'd love to know what you think :)

"Hey, babe."


Grayson cleared his throat and a little louder said, "hey, babe."

Oh yeah, that's her.

It was a couple days later and school had officially ended. He kept his side of the deal and picked her up from work to get dinner.

"Hey," Rainn greeted, softly, a big grin on her lips.

Grayson hesitated for a moment. Her smile seemed so genuine, it caught him off guard. "Well... We both look nice." He said, matching her grin, his tattooed fingers reaching to play with her fingers.

She blinked and interlocked fingers with him. This was weird. "You know, if you'd have just said that I looked nice, I would've said 'so do you'."

He pursed his lips. "I couldn't take that chance."

She fought back an eye roll. "Well, ready to go?"

He nodded and stood behind her chair to push her, and she immediately stopped him.

"What are you doing?"

He paused, his hands hovering over the handles of her wheelchair. "Pushing you?" He said in more of a question.

"No you're not." She huffed and forcefully used the brakes. "I'm fully capable."

His hands rose in surrender and stood next to her instead. "Right, okay. My bad."

She was ready to rip him a new one, when she spotted a man with a camera in the distance. The paparazzi were sneaking their way closer. "That's okay, love."

His eyebrows shot up before he caught on and faked a friendly laugh, continuing their walk to his car. It was a massive SUV that probably cost a fortune. The windows, she noticed, were completely tinted. He opened the door for her and whispered, "you, uh... need help getting in?"

"Nope." She replied, confidently, popping the 'p.' She wheeled her chair up to the vehicle as close as she could, the SUV quite a bit bigger than her car. Nonetheless, she used her upper body strength to hoist herself into the car. "The wheelchair collapses. You can toss it in the trunk."

"Anything for you, love." He mockingly used the nickname she gave him and shut the door, put the wheelchair in the trunk, before joining her inside.

"What restaurant are we going to, again?" Rainn asked, scrolling through her phone. She hadn't been on social media in a few days, scared to what she'd find. She always had her notifications off anyway.

She opened Instagram to find thousands of notifications. "Holy- hey!" She exclaimed when Grayson snatched her phone from her hands.

She grabbed for her phone, but he was quicker and held it out of her reach. "Listen to me," he started, a serious look on her face. "You either need make your account private or promise me you'll never read the comments."

She huffed and rolled her eyes. "I'm a grown woman. I don't need you to tell me what to do." She said and reached for her phone again, only for the same results.

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