13 - Beady Little Eyes

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600 reads!! Thank you all so much!! This is just a fun chapter. I hope y'all enjoy! Please let me know if the pictures pop up okay!

If I get 3 comments from different account on this chapter, I'll post the next chapter early!

Every * is a camera cut


The weekend came around and so did the fitting as promised. Rainn wasn't sure what to expect, but it certainly wasn't waking up to a bunch of stylists in her room. When Grayson said 8, she thought he meant pm...

"Morning, Miss. Williams!" One of them greeted with a grin, though she could tell there was slight judgement behind it. "Why don't you take a quick shower and we'll start trying on some outfits?"

Rainn blinked. So she was saying she didn't care for her pajamas and she stunk too? Nevertheless, she complied and took a quick shower. Because she was also trying on some fancy clothes, she wanted to look a little more presentable too, so she applied light makeup.

When she got out, Grayson already had a suit on. "Yeah, it's nice." He mumbled, hardly taking a glance at himself in the mirror.

"Miss. Williams, we-"

"Please, call me Rainn." She butt in, uncomfortable with the formality. She was only called that by her class at work. Having these people call her that just felt... wrong. Like they were less then her.

"Rainn," one of Sarah's assistants corrected herself, a semi sincere smile on her lips. "We'd like you to pick out a few outfits you like and we'll have you try them on."

"Sure," she nodded and wheeled closer. It wants until she got closer that she realized just how many dresses and outfits there were. In fact, they were all dresses.

She chuckled as she ran her hand through the dresses. "I can't remember the last time I wore a dress like this."

"Better get used to it," one of them winked at her. "Soon to be Mrs. Jones."

Heh. Right.

Since Sarah was there for the meeting, she knew Grayson and her were fake. The others she brought with her, that Rainn assumed were designers and Sarah's assistants, did not.

After about half an hour, she's been in and out of multiple dresses. She had dresses picked for at least three events that she still wasn't sure for what exactly. Now it was time to choose an dress for their engagement pictures.

It was a gorgeous white dress with a corset top, and light pink flowers hugging her bodice. The sleeves where sheer with the same little flowers creeping up her arms, giving the illusion they were on her skin. Despite the upper half being tight, the bottom was flowy and dramatic, made with the similar fabric of her sleeves.

Rainn huffed and tugged at the dress to scratch her sides again. It was rare she wore dresses, especially one as fancy as this. The fabric wasn't exactly comfortable and kept itching her.

"Oh, stop your fussing," one of the assistants muttered with a smile. "You look absolutely beautiful."

Rainn smiled and took a moment to admire herself in the mirror. "Thank you." She said, earnestly. "I think this is the one."

Grayson joined her moments later and his breath immediately hitched in his throat. Rainn had that effect on him, even as teenagers. He never admitted it because the timing never felt right and who would be crazy enough to date their best friend's sister? He'd only hint, hoping she'd catch on, but she never did. And now, she pretty much hated him at times. Rightfully so, is what he thought.

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