19 - When Push Comes to Shove Rainn on the Floor

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I changed the book cover in case anyone is confused! I didn't like the old one and I don't like this one either, but I feel like this one makes more sense?? Ugh. Making covers is so frustrating lol.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Please let me know what you think!!


After learning Rainn could stand with support yesterday, Grayson was impressed to say the least. She had been working really hard, but privately. He knew she had treatments once a week and physical therapy three times a week, but she always went to her appointments alone and had her in home physical therapy early in the mornings when he was sleeping. Of course, he eventually caught on to that she was doing this intentionally.

Something about doing her physical her physical therapy in front of Grayson made her uneasy. Well, not just him, but people in general. It made her feel less than, not being able to walk. She felt as if she were a baby learning to walk for the first time. Like when people over exaggerate their cheers when a baby stands or take a step, but pity and coddle them when they fall? Yeah, that's how Rainn felt.

Was she proud of herself she could at least stand now? Yes. Was it enough for her? No. She couldn't even take a step yet and it was driving her insane. To not have control over her own body was an indescribable feeling. It was painful, it was horrifying, it was infuriating, and really, really depressing. She wanted nothing more than to stop feeling so helpless.

Grayson picked up on how after every physical therapy session, she was a little more moody than usual. He figured just because she made improvement, it wasn't enough for her. Growing up, she always wanted to be the best at everything she put her mind to. It made learning new things difficult for her. She didn't want to practice to be good, she wanted to be good now.

He could only imagine the struggle that gave her with walking. She didn't want to wait for the muscle to build and muscle memory to come back. She wanted to walk and she wanted to do it now.

Today, whether she wanted him there or not, he set his alarm to wake up in time to be there for her physical therapy appointment. He secretly watched from the crack of his bedroom door, knowing if he made himself known, Rainn could potentially end the session early. As he watched, he was... unimpressed to say the least.

She was in the living room, in between two horizontal beams so her arms could support herself as she tried to walk. Of course, the physical therapist was right in front of her in case she fell. The physical therapist was soft spoken and really encouraging... which was horrible for Rainn, in his opinion.

Rainn huffed and swung her hip the best she could to move her foot forward, but no avail. She frowned, eyebrows pinched, pissed off at her own body and the world.

"There you go, Rainn! That's the idea!" The physical therapist encouraged her, even though Rainn did hardly anything.

Grayson knew, he knew she could do better. This babyish cooing and encouraging wouldn't get her to where she needed to be. Well, here went nothing.

"Excuse me, hi." Grayson burst past his door and confidently strolled into the room. "Cathy, was it?"

"Cindy, actually." The physical therapist corrected with a forced smile. "You must be-"

"Yeah, I'm her fiancé." He returned the fake smile and squeezed right past her, politely inserting himself in the her place. He replaced Cindy's hands on Rainn's hips with his own.

With Rainn already insecure about this whole ordeal, having an audience didn't help. "What are you doing here?" She accusingly asked him, her knuckles white from gripping the support beams so tight.

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