24 - Hey One Question: What the Heck?

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Soooo sorry for the slow updates! They may be a little slow for a while. I've got a bunch going on and I'm working on quite a few other books right now too!

Thank you for being so patient!! 🩷


"And Album of the Year goes to...." They paused for dramatic effect and opened the envelope. "Grayson Jones!"

Everything seemed to move in slow motion in that moment. The whole room was waiting for the results of this very award tonight and the pair sat and watched in shock as everyone stood their feet, everyone roaring in applause for Grayson.

If Rainn could have jumped to her feet, she would have! Instead, she surprised them both by tugging the collar of his shirt to bring him in for a congratulatory kiss. She pulled back just enough murmur against his lips, "I told you you'd win! Congratulations!"

He cupped her jaw and smiled into another kiss as he pressed his lips to hers once more, thanking her. She swore his smile couldn't have possibly gotten any bigger. He gently swiped her hair out of her face, his fingers grazing her face before he made his way to the stage.

He respectfully shook the hands of those presenting the award and stood in front of the microphone. He cleared his throat and hunched over quite a bit to get closer to the mic to ensure everyone could hear him. "I'll be honest, I have nothing prepared to say. I didn't think I'd win." He said with a breathy laugh, the crowd laughing with him.

He took a moment to meet Rainn's gaze, knowing just seeing her would give him the encouragement he needed to say what he needed to say. Once he spotted her smile, he exhaled and continued. "Nearly the whole world knows I almost screwed my life up forever, but only a few know first hand what that really looked like. Even fewer stuck by me through that... mainly because I pushed so many of them away, embarrassed and angry of the things I did."

"The year I went to rehab was the darkest year of my life. I struggled to fight my addiction and I lost two of my best friends in the whole world; one to death, the other because I was an awful best friend. Little did I know, years later, I'd get the chance to win her heart back over." He said with a teary smile. "Rainn Williams, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, your brother, the second. I thank God everyday for bringing you back into my life again. I thank Him for making such an amazing person as you. Since every love song I have ever made is about you, I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without you, so... this is for you." He declared as he held the award in the air. "I love you."

She returned the teary smile, doing her best to stay composed with the countless camera around and to not seem too surprised by his heart felt words. What was difficult about this whole "fake relationship" thing was, she never knew what was fake and what was true.

He went on to thank his team, his fans, and the band. He spoke eloquently and clearly despite not having anything prepared. Closing up his speech, he finished with this, "one week from today, we will be having a fundraiser in honor of Alex Williams, Rainn's brother and my best friend. Funds will be going to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. God bless you all, good night!"

Grayson had to go backstage after he accepted the reward and Rainn decided that was the perfect time to ask him if he meant what he said. She rolled herself out the doors and showed her pass to a security guard to backstage. She nodded at the guard in thanks and politely excused herself through the crowd of people bustling around. Finally, she spotted him by a snack table.

She raised her hand to wave, but stopped herself when a pretty woman strutted over to him. She was supermodel tall, her dress showed off her long tan legs, and her hair and makeup were flawless, but Rainn was positive she would have been gorgeous without it.

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