7 - Today On Dr. Phil: A Traitor!

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200 reads!! 🥳🎉 thank you everyone! In celebration, here's an early update!

Please don't forget to comment and vote!! Your comments mean the world to me and keep me motivated to keep writing! 🥰


"You're where!?" Mindy's high pitched voice screeched though the phone.

It was the following day, the first day of the tour, and you guessed it! Rainn didn't tell Mindy until now.

Rainn pulled the phone a few inches away from her ear. "Geez, Mindy, don't scream."

She scoffed. "Well sorry for my surprise that my best friend left me for the summer, didn't tell me, and is spending it WITH HER ARCH NEMESIS! And you're dating him too!?"

Again, with the yelling. Rainn winced. "No, it's... it's complicated. Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. It all just happened so quick."

Sarah, her stylist, knocked and entered the dressing room. "You ready to start getting ready?" She asked with a handful of different outfits.

Rainn held up a finger to gesture to wait a moment. With a huff, she told Mindy. "I'm sorry. I have to go, but I promise I'll explain more later."

"You better." Was the last thing she said before she hung up.

Grayson and a few other people that worked for him came into the dressing room as well.

"Wait, why do I have to be dressed up if I'm going to be backstage the whole time?" Rainn asked.

"Who said anything about you being backstage the whole time?" Grayson deadpanned.

She groaned and slide further down in her wheelchair.

Grayson rolled his eyes and her wheelchair to the hair and makeup station. "Look, the whole point in you being here is making an appearance. You'll be in a VIP section. It's a small reserved section for us by the side of the stage. A love song will play, you'll be on the Jumbotrons, I'll sing to you-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," she cut him off, flailing her arms around. "Jumbotrons!?"

He blinked. "Yeah, that's what I said."

"For thousands of people to see me?"

"About eighty thousand, yes."

Her jaw dropped. "Eighty thousand?"

"... yes...." He dragged the word out as if doing so would dumb it down enough for her to understand. "I don't understand what you don't understand."

She blinked. "Are you always such an idiot? Or do you just show off when I'm around?"

He gestured for the hair and makeup artist to come over. "Look, Dwight. It's not a big deal. Millions have already seen your face in magazines and online!"

"Yeah, but this is real life! This is live!" She exasperated.

Jeff knocked and popped his head in. "We need you for rehearsal." He told Grayson. "Oh, and could I borrow your phone again, Rainn? We wanted to add some 'candid' backstage pictures on your instagram story." They had already borrowed her phone earlier when they first arrived as Grayson and her spent some time exploring the empty venue.

Jeff was already reaching for her phone while he was asking and she was too overwhelmed to stop anyone. "Sure, but-"

Grayson started to back away from his "girlfriend" and to the door. "Listen, you'll do great! Just act natural!"

"Nothing about this is-" the door slammed behind him. "Natural." She sighed and ran her hands down her face.

"I'm sorry, Rainn," her stylist, Sarah, chimed in. Her assistants on either side of her. "But if you're going to be ready in time for the show, we need to start doing your hair and makeup."

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