12 - Blood Thirtsy Water Demons

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Disclaimer: I know some of this doesn't exist at the Georgia Aquarium but let's ✨pretend✨

I would appreciate so much some comments on this chapter! I'm really trying to see what I can do to boost this book and I think comments would help! They certainly help me as a writer regardless. Your comments are what keep me motivated and encouraged to write more! They mean the world to me and I see every single one ❤️ thank you for those of you who do!


The following day, they made it to Georgia. The hotel was just as nice as the previous one, the weather making it even nicer. Rainn didn't know why he didn't just stay in a tour bus, but having her own room to herself was far better than having to share a tour bus with him.

She was enjoying her said bedroom, more specifically her comfy bed, when she felt a rough jab at her arm that was dangling off the bed. She ignored it, but it happened again, and again, and again, and again- "what do you want!?"

"If you'd woken up properly the first time I kicked you, I wouldn't have had to do it four more times." Grayson grunted and sat on the edge of her bed before he changed the subject. "I know the first thing we're going to do on our bucket list!"

"Dude, it's like..." she rolled over to check the clock. "It's only six in the morning!"

"We have to do it early because of the show tonight." Without a warning, he shoved his phone that shined offensively bright into her hands.

She squinted her eyes and turned his brightness all the way down so she could read it. Her jaw dropped. "Are you serious!?" She squeaked. Out of all the things on the bucket list, this was the first one he picked!?

"Why aren't you excited?" Grayson questioned, a tad judgement in his tone.

"To swim with blood thirsty monsters?" Rainn she paused for dramatic effect. "Yeah, absolutely!" She faked enthusiasm.

Swimming with sharks. They were going to be swimming with sharks.

"Don't be so dramatic." He rolled his eyes. "It's not like it'll be problematic if they bite your legs off..." he muttered under his breath.

"What was that?" She tested.


"I can't go anyway." She shrugged and tossed him his phone back.

"Wait, why?"

"... I can't stand."

His eyes narrowed. "So?"

"Then how am I-"

"Don't worry about it, shorty." he ruffled her hair like he used to do when they were kids. "Just trust me."

She swatted his hands away. "Never in a million years."

They both went spent for a beat before Grayson realized, "you're wearing socks? What kind of psychopath sleeps with socks on?"

She blinked. "I don't now if this has occurred to you, but I can't feel my feet, Grayson."


"I just think it's really cool that- WOAH THAT'S A BIG SHARK!"

"You're yelling again." Rainn reminded him for the umpteenth time.

Grayson sighed, looking like a kid on Christmas as he admired the animals. "I get excited, sorry."

The Georgia Aquarium. She will admit, all the different creatures were stunning. She had never seen anything like it before. They got to look around (with security) the whole aquarium before they made it to their final destination.

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