15 - Let the Bodies Hit the Floor

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Rainn took her eyes off her phone to glance at the large, quivering man in the seat beside her. She released a chuckle seeing his leg bouncing up and down as he nervously fiddled with his fingers.

"You good?" She asked with a knowing grin.

All she got was a glare.

With an amused smile playing on her lips, she turned to face Grayson. "You have like a hundred tattoos..."

His nose wrinkled distastefully at her.

"Remember when you made me swim with sharks that could have literally ripped us to shreds?"

He ignored her.

"You know you're not gonna die or anything, right?"

Grayson sighed deeply, and she swore a slight whine escaped from his throat when the driver pulled into the parking lot.

Rainn thanked the driver, Dan, for grabbing her wheelchair and skillfully climbed into it. She spun around to spot Grayson still in the car. "Are you expecting a wheelchair too?"

"Shut up."

In all honesty, he felt it was pathetic that getting his blood drawn made him this nervous... Yes, especially considering he was heavily tattooed on various parts of his body. But, it was on the bucket list to donate blood, so that's what they were going to do.

She rolled her eyes. "Come on, nerd."

Another glare, but he listened this time. He sat in one of the waiting room chairs while she checked them in. She wheeled herself next to him and threw a clipboard at him. "Fill that out."

He grumbled some not so nice things under his breath but did as told. It wasn't too much longer after that when he was called back.

"Grayson?" The nurse called again, waiting for someone to claim the name.

Rainn bumped her arm with his. "That's you."

"Hmm? Oh." He scratched the back of his head but didn't move out of his seat.

She sighed and rolled up to the nurse. Grayson watched as she said something, but couldn't hear what. Moments later, they both came over to him.

"C'mon, we'll go back together. I'm going first." Rainn told him, softer than usual.

Though he was still terrified, he felt a little better to have some support from someone he knew- even if it was Rainn.

Once they were in the back room, the nurse wrapped a tourniquet around Rainn's arm and instructed her to make a fist. She poked around at her inner elbow and when she spotted a good vein, she cleaned the area.

"Slight poke," the nurse told her and inserted the needle.

Rain didn't even flinch. "See? I lived." She told Grayson, who currently had his eyes covered. "Really?" She deadpanned.

She was given a bandaid and all good to go.

"Are you ready?" The nurse asked him.

His eyes widened and his whole body visibly stiffened. "Y-yeah." He cleared his throat when his voice cracked. On shakily legs, he stood up, and slowly squatted down until his butt hit the chair.

"Straighten your arm for me." The nurse nicely instructed him.

He did and nearly jumped out of his seat when she touched him. "Wait! Don't do it yet!"

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