Chapter 60

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"Karim." Zaira tapped his chest.


"Can I get your phone?"

Karim opened one eye.

"Of course. It's by the bedside. You want to call someone?" He questioned.

"Yes. Marilyn."

That woke Karim up as he sat up to look at her.

"You have her number?" He asked.

"No. I have Billy's. He should know where she is." She paused. "Last time I talked to him...he said he lost contact with her. She probably had to lay low or risk being caught."

"I'm sure she's fine." Karim assured her before stretching for his phone and giving it to her. He checked the table side clock. They'd been asleep for 5 hours already and it looked dark outside now.

Karim watched as Zaira tapped in some numbers before detangling herself from him and sitting up straight with her head resting on the headboard.

She called and placed the phone on loudspeaker.

"Hello." She spoke first as soon as it was answered.


Karim heard the disbelief in Billy's voice.


"You're alright."

"I am."

"You're not in jail anymore. How?"

"The charges were dropped. I'm okay, don't worry about me. Marilyn. Did you hear from her again?"

"Yes. She was being tracked and they almost got her. By they I mean your husband's aunt, Fantasma. She's been trying to shake her off but it never works."

Karim knew one thing. His aunt was stalling. If she knew where Marilyn was exactly then she'd have had her already especially now that she had no workers other than Billy.
From what Karim gathered they had to all go in different directions after the full crackdown on their cartel. There had always been apprehensions but this time they had found the head...Marilyn and if they took her out then the cartel had truly ended.

"Do you know where she is now?" Zaira asked him.

"I don't know." His voice sounded raw. "She said if she didn't contact me in 5 days she was probably dead." He added lowly.

"What day is it now?" She asked after a moment's pause.

"The 4th day."

Zaira sighed.

"She's fine. I know it. Let me know if she gets in touch, Billy."

"I will."

Zaira ended the call.

"I could ask Uncle Dean if she's...he knows where she is." Karim changed his words.

Zaira shook her head.
"No. Please don't. It's his job to catch people like Marilyn. I don't want him to think he owes me anything. Marilyn is a big girl. I know she's alright. I believe it." She said.

"Then that's all we need." Karim nodded in understanding. "Let's get something to eat because I'm starving." He added.

"Me too." And she actually was.

She tried to push all thoughts of Marilyn away from her mind but it wouldn't go away. Marilyn was one of the few people she'd call her own family. So on everything she held dear she hoped she was fine.


Marilyn bit into the protein bar, swallowing it only after a few seconds. This was her last bar.

She peeped through the little opening between the planks of woods that had been nailed to the window. It was dark outside already. Dead quiet. She had been in this hideout for 2 days. She had to leave soon or she'd either be caught or die from starvation.

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