Chapter 53

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"Uncle Van Van!" Samia jumped out of the car when she saw Ivan coming towards the car.

"Sam Sam!"

Samia crushed into him.

"Oh how I've missed you." He hugged her tightly.

Karim must be devastated he thought.
Ivan was aware that Samia was currently missing and Karim's estranged wife was on the run from Interpol. So when he received a telegraph-very weird- from Noor that they were inbound to him he had been shocked for a second or two but had still told Noor they were welcome to his home.

Karim was his friend. The least he could do was hide his criminal wife and supposedly missing daughter.

This was the safest place for them.

Zaira walked up to them.

"Hello." Zaira put on a polite smile.

"Hi. You must be Zaira."

"You know who I am?"

"Yes. I do. Karim's my friend you forget."

Zaira looked at the man before him.
He was as tall as Karim. Blonde hair, silver eyes. Smooth face with not a single hair on it. He had that smile Karim always had when he was in public. Was it something they taught at the academy because now that she thought of it Noor had a similar smile just more softer.
All in all he was okay to look at.
Scratch that. The man was beautiful. The old Zaira would probably hit that if given the chance. But as she stared at him more she began to realise he wasn't her type. Her type was Karim.

He was handsome. Nothing more.

"She's Maher's mommy." Samia added.

Ivan knew she wasn't but it seemed Samia and probably Maher hadn't been informed yet.

"I see."

Zaira looked around her to see security details dressed in suits and earpiece walking around the property. The house behind them was a simple one. Not a mansion. It seemed more like a summer house with the cabin look. Wasn't he a prince?

Ivan noticed her eyeing the house.

"This is just my summer cabin. I come here sometimes. I was here when I was informed you were coming. But I think this place is more suitable than the palace. The less people who know you're here the better."

Zaira straightened instantly and looked around for any threat.

"Don't worry. You're safe here. Interpol isn't allowed here. But Samia is a missing child. Her face is everywhere because they're trying to keep up the charade that they have no idea where she is. But that means more people might recognize her. Which wouldn't be good." Ivan explained. "But hey. Let's not dwell on that. Come. Come. You must be famished. They made pelmini today." Ivan turned and walked together with Samia into the house.

Zaira just followed quietly.
They probably taught English in the academy too. He spoke good English with little to no accent like they portrayed in movies.

She hoped they could stay here for a while. She was drained. She didn't know if she had the energy to travel again.

But she did believe they were safer here than anyplace.


"I don't know about this." Malik seemed hesitant.

He had grown a bit. He had a bit of Hamid's features. Not too much to make Tawfiq annoyed though.

Karim squeezed his shoulder.

"If there was another way I'd not ask you to do this."

"I know. But I don't know if I want to speak with her. She let them kill a child. People died because of her. I really don't want anything to do with her anymore or her husband."

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