Chapter 15

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Unfortunately this is where it all ends😭❤️Goodbye EID gift😭😭❤️
Seven whole chapters for you all for being so patient with me😭😭❤️❤️
I hope Ramadan came with a lot of blessings your way❤️❤️🤲🏾
Let the games begin.


"Where's Samia?" Karim asked his mother.

"With Noor." She answered.

Karim scratched the back of his neck.

"She seems to be with her a lot these days." He muttered.

"That's a good thing, right?"

Karim arched a brow.

"Your dad told me. She'll be good for you." Naima acknowledged quietly.

"You don't like her, do you?" Karim could tell from how she spoke.

"I like Noor. She's nice and she'll even probably make an even better Queen. But what's a Queen without the love of her king? I don't want you to get hurt anymore." Naima exhaled.

"I'll grow to love her, mama. I'm sure of it. If Samia could like her, what's stopping me?"

"What's stopping you is, you're still in love with someone else. The only way you can actually begin to love Noor is if you stop loving Zaira." Naima eyed him. "And I don't see that happening."

"I don't love, Z. Maybe I did. But that was a long time ago. It's been 4 years since she left. I'd be a fool to still be in love with her. I could never love her for what she's done to me." Karim stated firmly.

"I'll believe that when you're able to mention her name."

Karim didn't say anything.
His mother was sharp, he'd give her that.

Naima stepped from behind the kitchen island which separated them.

She placed her hand on his cheek softly. Karim's eyes closed on their own as he relished in her hand.

"I know you're hurt. But don't hurt Noor in the process of you trying to fix yourself. She's too sweet to go through the pain of a one sided love." Naima said in a small voice.

Karim placed a hand on his mother's own.
He opened his eyes.

"I will fall in love with Noor, mama. I don't mind how long it takes. She's the right person for me and no one else."

Naima breathed out.
She stood on her toes and kissed his cheeks.

"I hope you're right." She whispered.

I hope I'm right too.


"God. Noor. You're even more stubborn than your father." Karim groaned.

"Just agree to it, Karim."

"It wasn't part of the deal."

"So add it."




"Who can cook Kuwaiti food better than a Kuwaiti? The hotels must be run fully by Kuwaitis and the workers must be Kuwaiti as well." Noor stated.

"That's just you increasing your people's work force in my country. We didn't sign a deal on that." Karim fought back.

They had been back and forth that same argument for two weeks now. How could she think they'd let them employ just Kuwaitis?

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