Chapter 12

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"I'm sorry." The woman behind the desk shook her head.

"What?" Tawfiq frowned.

"Giving out private information about our clients to people is against the protocols here." The woman said in a heavy Australian accent.

"I just told you, we are her family and we need to find her. It's important."

"No, can do, sir."

Tawfiq breathed out.

"Can you just tell me if there's been a Zaira Nasim here before. About 3 years or more ago."

The woman sighed but still checked her computer.

She looked up.

"Nope. No, Zaira Nasim."

Tawfiq almost growled. Good thing he had told Naima and Karim to wait back whiles he did the talking.

"Are you sure?"

"Zaira Nasim. N. A. S. I. M." Tawfiq spelt it out for her.

"There's no Zaira Nasim in the system, sir."

"Are you sure you keep records of all your clients because I sure as hell know she came here a few years back." Tawfiq said angrily.

Another nurse came by her. A male nurse.

"Is something the matter?" He questioned and eyed Tawfiq.

"I'm looking for someone whom I'm 101% positive has been to this hospital before but somehow her name isn't in your system." Tawfiq explained.

"If it isn't it might mean she came here under a false name." The man pointed out.

Tawfiq's jaw hardened.

It was definitely possible. But what name could she have used?

"Maybe. Then can I know about all the women between the ages of 20 and 25 who gave birth here, 3 years ago?" Tawfiq asked.

"That's private information and can only be given out to the clients family if approved by the client herself."

Tawfiq was about to speak when Naima and Karim with Samia made their way over to him.

"What's happening?" Naima asked in a frail voice.

"They said there's no Zaira Nasim in their system. And they can't also provide me with any other information." Tawfiq rolled his eyes.

"Are you sure this is the hospital she was admitted into?" The male nurse asked.

"Yes. We're sure." Karim answered.

"We just need to find Zaira Nasim. She's family and she could be in danger." Naima paused. "She's my only daughter and. . . and she ran away when I got remarried. I haven't seen her in years. I've searched everywhere." Naima started to cry out of the blue and Tawfiq and Karim stared at her weirdly.

"She couldn't stand the fact that I could move on after we lost her father. So. . .she left. I got information that she had gotten pregnant and was here to give birth."
The tears streamed down Naima's face as she continued to speak.
"She's all I have. And she's all alone in this world with a little baby. I have to find her. Please." Naima pleaded and buried her face in Tawfiq's shirt.

He rubbed her back in confusion. That escalated pretty fast.
But the nurses seemed moved by it.

"There, there, darling. We'll find her. If we don't get any information here, we'll keep looking till we find your daughter. I promise you that." Tawfiq muttered.

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