Chapter 51

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Zaira's legs trembled as she read the news headline.

"The former little Sheikha to be put in custody of biological father with the crown acquiring a widely supported visiting rights."

An old picture of Samia was displayed on the screen.
The whole issue had been hushed but somehow international news channel were able to get the verdict just hours after it was given.

The news cut off to show Karim with a look that wouldn't be so shocking for someone who lost his daughter but to Zaira she knew he was a second away from breaking. But his posture was regal. He didn't even falter a step as he addressed the public outside.

He spoke calmly about how he was grateful to the court for giving him visiting rights because Samia was still his no matter what. He said nothing more before he and his dad made it to their waiting car.

"I should be there, Layla."

"First of all Karim calls me Aunt Layla. I think you should do same." Layla rolled her eyes.

"I'm not calling you aunt." Zaira grumbled.

"Secondly, I know what you're thinking. If you dare leave this compound I will shoot you again." Layla glared at her.

The first night Zaira got there she was already trying to return back.

Layla had fired a shot right by her foot with a string of curses in Italian before dragging her back inside.

"At least just let me call him. Let him know I didn't ran away. That I still care." Zaira pleaded.

"And risk getting Interpol on your tail? No, thank you. You're not thinking with your head, Zaira. Karim? He'll live. But if you step back into the country they will know and they'll come for you. You wouldn't be able to leave."

"Look. I care about Karim as well. That's why I'm helping you because that is what he'd want." She said. "Now. My momma said if you don't bring your ass downstairs you'll feel her cane's wrath." She informed with a smile.

Zaira hesitated. She didn't want to eat anything. Not when Karim was suffering alone.

"You don't want to be on the other end of the cane. Trust me. I know."

"I'll come downstairs in a few minutes." Zaira gave in.

Layla nodded before leaving Zaira on her own.
She combed through her hair.

We were paired together for a reason and if destiny feels it will pull us apart, we will bend it to our will. You and me. We will stand. We will fight. We will love together.

That's what Karim had said. But their opponent seemed stronger than they gave it credit for.

They had 2 weeks before Samia would be in James' care. Everything would work out. Marilyn would get her outside the country and bring her to them as she tried to dig up dirt on the man whose past had been scrubbed clean.

She'd return after that to Karim. She didn't give a damn if they arrested her. She just wanted him to know she didn't ran off.


"That's too much sweets, daddy!" Samia laughed.

Karim had been showering her with gifts upon gifts ever since the verdict. Anything she even made the slightest hint on was hers. He was supposed to tell her about her going with James but it had been a week since then and he just didn't know how to do that.

But he had to do it. If he didn't, they'd break the news to her through a child psychologist. They had given him the chance because Habiba had stepped in to do it instead if he had trouble with it.
Today however, he had decided it was time to tell her everything so she'd begin to understand.
Hence why he got her all the sweets she loved.
And for the first time ever she had said the sweets were too much.

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