Chapter 56

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"Zaira." Karim walked around the table and engulfed her in his arms, breathing her in like it was his last breath.

"K-Karim." Zaira's voice wavered as she felt her throat tighten at the sight of him.

"I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I thought...I thought you had left me again and...and I lost faith in you. I'm sorry." Karim apologized pulling back to stare into her eyes.

He knew there were cameras in the interrogation room so he didn't say anything more than required. Because according to everyone he didn't know where she had been during that time.

"No, you don't have to apologize... I knew what I was doing. I knew what it would do to you too. I'm sorry. I messed everything up...

"You fixed everything, my love. You gave my little angel back to me."

"But now you still have another issue to deal with and...and...

"And nothing. We'll get you out. I promise you. I'll do everything to get you out. I don't care what it takes."

Zaira wrapped her arms around him again and settled in his embrace.

She had been sent to a holding cell for the night and brought back to the interrogation room in the morning. Karim had arrived only a few hours after her.

"Ahem. Ahem."

Karim and Zaira both turned their gazes to the door to see Bennet standing at the entrance.

"Usually, we don't allow our suspects to interact with anyone but their lawyer but we made an exception for his highness." He smiled at them with no hint of emotion behind it.

"How kind of you." Karim sarcastically bit back.

"But I'm afraid we have to cut this reunion short." He took a seat by the metal table.

Karim interlaced their fingers and helped Zaira to a seat facing Bennet.

"Will we be waiting for your fancy lawyers?"

"They'll be here. You can start talking or not. We aren't saying anything until they're here either ways."
Bennet checked his watch.
"Took the first flight to Nice I guess."

Karim only blinked at him.

"I know you think your lawyers can help you or your father will bibidy babidy bo her out but I'd like to reiterate that she's in deep. Her name is on all the files and transactions we seized from the terror group. Even the one which involved your grandparents."

Karim felt Zaira almost protest but he squeezed her hands. Bennet was riling them up but they wouldn't fall for it.

"That's why I had a talk with my superiors. And just because it's the Royal family. They allowed me to give you a plea deal."

Karim raised a brow.

"You plead guilty to all charges and we will revoke the charges against you for the kidnapping and you'll avoid the death penalty on your head from the country you so terribly destroyed. You get life imprisonment with the possibility of parole after 25-40 years."

Karim chuckled dryly and checked his watch.

They weren't taking any plea deal. Zaira would walk out of there free.

"Aren't you Interpol? Or you are intercourt? I'd think 'pol' stood for police. You've arrested her. Why are you so insistent then on keeping her?" Karim questioned.

"Scared your wife would have to stay in jail forever?"

"Scared this case won't stick as well? You must despise my father. But I am not my father and I do not have the time to deal with your petty grudge. My wife will leave here soon. Definitely not in handcuffs. But between you and me? Someone will." Karim smiled at him.

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