Chapter 29

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"You rented the whole amusement park?" Zaira blinked in disbelief.

Noor arched a brow.

"Um. Yes? You said and I quote 'Karim's just still a young boy. He likes to be childish. You can go with him to the amusement park. It'd be a great way to bond.' "

"I didn't tell you to rent the place. You rich people and over exaggerating everything." Zaira sighed.

"We wouldn't be comfortable if there were people there." Noor defended.

"The point was to blend in. Karim likes to go to the park. Not participate in the rides. He's scared as hell of them." Zaira mentally facepalmed.

She had thought it would be easy to get Noor and Karim together but clearly it wasn't.

"You should have told me that before. I'm not his ex wife to know he's afraid of rides." Noor cackled.

"What's done is done. We just have to find a way around it now."

"Why are you so invested in this? I don't mean to sound rude but it seems you're fully invested into getting us to fall in love." Noor stated randomly. "Are you still in love with Karim? Thus you're trying to use me to fall out of love with him?"

Zaira was quiet for a second before a small smile descended upon her face.

"Don't worry your head about things you might never understand. And as I said before, you're good for Karim is all. Nothing more." Zaira paused.

"Besides, I have a plan." Her smile grew.


"No." Zaira frowned.

"I cannot go alone with Karim. It's haram."

"Who cares! You two are engaged right? It shouldn't matter." Zaira groaned.

"I care. And if you don't chaperone tonight then I'm sorry but I can not go along with this plan of yours." Noor put on a blank face.

"Go with one of his sisters."

"Habiba has work tomorrow morning and Daneen has a sleepover. I can't expect them to come along with me the whole night. Maybe if you didn't plan it in the evening we wouldn't be here."

"Maybe if you didn't rent out the park, we wouldn't be here as well."

"Should I cancel then?"

Zaira tried to change her mind
"I still think you can go alone. Karim's a gentleman. He'd never do anything to you."

"I guess we're cancelling it then." Noor picked up her phone from the small table by her.

"I think I had their number saved somewhere. " She mumbled to herself.

Zaira's face ticked.

Because of the princess sitting in front of her, she had avoided going outside the guest room after she left Karim's room two days ago.

Karim was supposedly busy drafting up the contract he expected her to sign to give Maher to him. So that was the only reason she was still here. Because as long as she didn't sign it, she probably wouldn't be allowed to leave with Maher.

"Fine. I'll go with you. But I don't want to interact with Karim or you at all the whole time."

"Still trying to avoid your ex-husband even though you live in the same house? I'm starting to believe you still love him." Noor pointed out.

"I said I'd go with you. That's what matters." Zaira muttered lowly.

"I should go get ready then." Noor stood up smoothly and gave her best smile to Zaira.

With hearts, Destined.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя