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"What's wrong with you?" I ask Mac.

"What do you mean?"

"You seem sad...?"

"Really? I'm not, I'm actually just thinking about the date I have tonight." She explains.

"Oh well that explains it,"

"Really?! You bought that?" She asks before bursting out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Just that you actually believed I have a date."

"Forgive me. What are you actually thinking about then?"

"You. Well you and your mates."

"Why? Their not that interesting."

"It's just that I feel somewhat disappointed that I don't have that ability. I have to go out and find the love of my life the old fashion way, through heartbreak."

"Oh I'm sure you'll find the love of your life soon enough, I tell her,"

We'd been doing this every evening for the past few days, it helps me. Taking over the duties of my fathers and mother has been a lot more challenging then id like to admit, but talking with mac helps keep me sane. The elders have thankfully shut up about me not having a mate, though they still like to complain that there vampire's.

Oh no, now they've moved onto pressing me to have children, and I've been getting more and more headaches from it. The first night I talked with mac she helped put into perspective that they are just worried about the future of the kingdom, and if they weren't it would've been grounds for treason.

"I hope you're right, once I do we can do all sorts of cute, romantic stuff, like you and your mates do," she says enthusiastically.

"Yeah..." I trail off, "Anyway I think it's time for me to go to bed, and you as well." I pretend to yawn to really sell my point.

I head off to bed, and get myself comfortable knowing that at least one of my mates with join me soon. I believe that tonight it's Cole's turn.
It doesn't take long before I'm drifting peacefully off to sleep. If only my dreams remained peaceful.

You don't know....






"No... no.. NO!" I shout rasing up out of bed.

Strong arms wrap around me, gently guiding me into his lap. "Are you okay?" Coke asks.

Each night, one of my mates spends the night with me. They are vampires after all so they don't sleep, but I can't get any sleep without having one of them with me.

Not to mention I've been having these horrible nightmares, and they've started to worry about me, and the pressure I've had to endure stepping into the roles of my parents.

"Shhh, it's okay, your alright," he soothes

"I'm okay, I'm okay." I tell him once I've finally calmed down.

"Was it the dream again?" He asked.

I'd been having the same nightmare for the last week and a half, I'd told the guys about it. I'd even told Mac about it, and yet no one could give me an answer or even a reason as to why I was having all these.


"Maybe you should talk to your mother about it? Maybe something like this happened to her when she was crowned?"

"That's a good idea, "

"Why do you sound so surprised? I have good ideas all the time, like I'm having one right now." He smirks before kissing my neck and dipping his hand under my top.

And for once he did have a good idea...

I was currently in the middle of tea with my mother, I had requested it early this morning after Coke had given me the idea last night.

"I just keep having these terrible dreams, about this voice, it screams, whispers and torments me all night long. It tells me all the things I fear people will tell me, it calls me weak and pathetic and I don't know how much more I can take of it. Most nights I even wake-up screaming from it. What's happening to me, ma?"

She takes in a deep breathe, seeming to take in everything id just told her. "That's a lot to process in 30 seconds, but ill try, this voice does it sound like your own?"

"No it sounds completely alien to me,"

"Is it a women's?"

"Yes... mom you're starting to scare me, do you know something about all this? Did you happen to have this when you were first crowned?" I ask hoping that maybe this was another genetic thing.

"Oh I had those years before I was crowned, only the women told me different thing. But it was a guidance of some sort, its what lead me to you fathers and eventually the joining of two kingdoms." She explained.

"So you're telling me I should, listen to this voice and let it guide me? But it tells me such horrible things! Why would I listen to it if it hurts me so?" my yell turning to a whisper at the end.

"I know and I'm sorry, perhaps something else can help you?"

"Yes! Ill do anything else," I tell her eagerly.

"In the library there's a book, it was a gift to me when I was first crowned but no matter how hard I tried, the book simply wouldn't open for me."

"What's the name of the book?"

"Oh I have absolutely no idea." she shrugs. before standing up and walking off, but just before she leaves the room, she tosses over her shoulder, "Good luck!"

Well that was just maddingly unhelpful, I love my mother truly but sometimes I wish she would just give me the answer instead of making me learn a lesson along the way. And now I have to go look in the library for a book that may or may not open for me. Oh and did I forget to mention that the library is absolutely massive.

With a resounding sigh I sit up out of my chair and start making my over tp the pack house library, the hallway that leads up to it is deathly silent and filled with cobwebs. Most people try to avoid it, a few years ago everyone seemed to believe it was haunted by a ghost.

As I open the door, it screams with every movement. The room is dark and covered in dust and just off to the side

"Whatcha doing?" Emma asks suddenly appaering beside me.

"Looking for a book,"

"Which book?"

"I'm not entierely sure, when my mother explained it to me, she wasnt entierly clear on the entire concept. Frankly I'm not even sure if the book exists or if she's just gone crazy."

"So you're blindly looking for a book, that you dont know exists, in a big ass library, without any lighting or help?"


"Thats stupid."

"Look, all I know is that it was a gift to my mother, and the book wouldn't open for her,"

"Oh I know that book!"
"Really?! How?!"

"I gave it to her," she says simply.

She disappears before I have a chance to ask her if she know where it is, with a roll of my eyes I begin to walk further into the library. I had no time to wait, there was still a mystery a foot and Samir I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Here ya go!"

"Ahhh!" I scream and drop to the ground in fright.

"Do you not want the book?"

"Just give it here!"

"Okay but it may or may not open, it's funny that way,"

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