This is Why I Don't Socialize

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Insult me!

Ignore me!

Tell me I'm too damn delicate to figure something out! Even when I'm the one who found out the thing in the first damn place!

Hmph well we're just going to see about that!

I slam open my bedroom door, and immediately go looking for my backpack. I throw it onto the bed and immediately start stuffing it full of things I might need. I'm going to get to the bottom of this and hopefully it won't be the last thing I'll do.

And once I come back with these answers maybe ill finally get the respect I So desperately deserve.

I swing the backpack onto my shoulders before looking in the mirror, I still had on my pink cocktail dress from dinner and now this outfit has turned sour,

"Maybe I should change first?" I mumble to myself before dropping my backpack back into my bed and heading straight for the closet.

After throwing about half my closet onto the floor, I finally settle on an outfit that hopefully wouldn't draw to much attention. I had on a pair of jeans, tucked into my black combat boots. And up top I had a dark purple wife-beater with long black trench coat to help hide the two guns I had strapped to my hips along with the dagger on my thigh.

If there's one thing I've learned from my overprotective parents, it's that you should always have protection... though I'm not sure this is what my mother was implying when she gave me the 'talk'.

Normally I wouldn't mind walking around with weapons strapped all around me, but I'll be near civilians for the most part.

Most civilians really don't like when scary people- not to say that I'm scary, actually I'm probably about as intimidating as a butterfly or so I've been told. But mostly civilians don't like it when you walk around with guns and knives strapped to you they tend to get scared and afraid that somethings about to happen.

And if my parents ever come searching for me oh somethings definitely gonna happen... my main goal here is just to find the truth.

There's just something out there calling to me, I have to figure out why vampires are getting mates. And I know deep down when I find the answers everything will fall into places.

"Alright let's get down to business.."

I quickly throw open the doors to my balcony and grab my backpack before climbing on top of the railing, and looking down.

I love my parents but did they have to put my bedroom up on the third floor? Actually it wasn't even my room, Lucian used to have this room before I did. See they each had their own rooms before they met my mother, but they now currently share the huge suite they call a bedroom.

Unless my fathers piss my mother off and then suddenly their back to there old sleeping arrangements.

Or worse the couch.

Ok here goes nothing... after a final glance back at the home I love so much I jump off the balcony. I land swiftly and surprisingly gracefully, thank goddess for my fathers werewolf genes overpowering my mothers human genes otherwise I never would have made that landing.

In fact I don't think I would've survived most of my training when I was younger.

That was the good news, the bad news is that I landed near the kitchen... and boy had the conversation spiraled since I stormed out.

"She's not fit to rule!" My grandpa was shouting to no one in particular.

"She's still young and had a right to yell at you!" My mother yelled at Damien.

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