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Goddess I've never been this bored in my life, but oddly enough at the same time I feel like I should be doing something...hopefully it wasn't important. That's what I always tell myself when I forget something, if I forgot it, it probably wasn't important. With that final thought a loud knock erupts from my door.

With a sigh I get off the couch I was laying on and make my way towards the door, as I'm about to open the door one of my father's voices pierces the air.

"Daphne! Your late for our training session!" He scolds.

"Oh shit!" I respond back.

"Watch your language young lady!" he scolds once again.

"Why? Its not going anywhere?" I joke back, I don't hear his reply only a long sigh that told me more than words ever could.

Well I guess that would be the thing that I was forgetting, and my theory is now all out of whack because I actually did forget something important! I immediately throw open the door and rush past my father. I make my way towards the stairs and instead of taking them like a normal person would, I decide to just slide down the railing.

Its quicker after all, and I'm late enough as is. After all I've got to get to the training fields before he does, even if I'm already late I refuse to be second to him. I'm very competitive if you couldn't tell.

Using my wolf hearing I can place my fathers steps as he rushes down the stairs trying to catch up with me, but it's too late because I'm already out the front door and heading towards the back of the pack house. That's where the training fields are.

"Get back here you little shit!" He shouts when I've almost reached the fields.

"Xavier!" My mother scolds from the pack house, she's sitting on the back porch area watching my other two fathers spar, along with some of the other women that live in the pack house.

"Thanks Ma!' I shout back at her and faintly watch as she blows me a kiss.

Out of my peripheral vision I can see my fathers beat the shit out of each other, but they just call it sparring. For their age they are in great shape, but that's also probably because they all had me at a somewhat young age. I mean I still have both my grandmother and grandpa.

Once I manage to reach the training grounds I stop and just start to observe what's going on around me, I don't know why I do this, all I know is that I've always done it. I'm constantly observing those around me, looking for any sign of a threat, or who knows what. Usually around this time of day there would be all the warriors training, along with those who are training to be guards. My father, Xavier, is usually the one over seeing it that portion.

It's fascinating to watch especially because their are humans and vampires fighting along side the werewolves. I don't know exactly what the world was like before I was born, but I've heard it was like a war, two sides wanted to claim victory, and everyone suffered.

Until my mother came along, she forced my fathers to mend their mistakes and restore order to the world... yet another reason I fear my mother than my fathers combined. She managed to fix two entire Kingdoms, and she didn't even have to raise her voice.

And a little over three decades have gone by since then, granted it's not a prefect system but there's only so much you can do with groups that used to hate each other- still do- I'm just amazed murder isn't running ram on the streets.

I mean every once and a while we have to split apart riots and fights between the werewolves and the vampires, and the vampires stick mostly to their former region but it's so much better than everyone getting murdered and killed just because two royal families decided they hate each other hundreds of years ago. At least I think that's what happened, I've never been one for history class, I mean their dead so why do I care?

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