Secrets Of The Past; Part Two

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I pick myself up and dust myself off, before actually taking in all my surroundings which doesn't take long. I'm inside one of the cells in the dungeon, and it feels quite strange to be on the inside of one of these cells.

I still remember the first time my parents brought me down here, I couldn't have been maybe nine or ten. They were trying to teach me that even though the people down here weren't outstanding citizens, they were still my people. It was a good lesson, well up until this one guy tried to grab at me and my mother. Then I was strictly prohibited from ever coming down here again.

Alright that's enough memories from the past it's time to get the hell out of here. I glance around making sure I spot no guards, they are most likely to be upstairs waiting for whoever is set to show up.

And just like I thought, their was no one around. Next I quickly take out one of my Bobby pins in my hair and slip it into the lock. A few twists and a satisfying click has the cell door flying open.

"Child's play," I mutter to myself.

I begin walking toward the exit of this disgusting place when I suddenly start your voices and they begin getting louder and louder as if they were coming closer towards me. Panic briefly crosses over me before I see a vent that looks to be already loosely opened. I immediately dive closer to it, and wiggle the vent the rest of the way off before I sneakily slip in.

I breathe out a sigh of relief, but dread quickly replaces it when I realize I don't actually know the vent system in the pack house. Begrudgingly I begin to crawl forward, hoping I'll end up somewhere I can easily escape from.

The first vent I pass by I could feel an extreme heat coming from it along with a delectable aroma. Must be one of the vents in the kitchen, I take a peak through the vent and see complete and utter chaos.

The only time I've ever seen the kitchen this crazy is when we were playing host to some of the Dukes  and Duchess's. And even then it wasn't nearly this bad. But I didn't have time to stay here and think of all the possibilities, I had to get the hell out of here and get back to my own time.

I wasn't entirely sure where I would end up but I kept crawling. Eventually I came to a vent with extremely loud voices, and I leaned in closer to get a look at who was arguing. To my surprise it was the first King and Queen. Goddess why can't I remember their names?!

"For goddess sake Henry!" The Queen shouted and gave me part of the answers I was looking for.

"Don't use that tone with me Lolita," he growled back.

I knew I probably shouldn't be snooping, especially on the affairs of a King and Queen but I had to make sure their argument had nothing to do with me. Yeah that's the reason, not because I'm nosy or anything like that.

"Well I'm not the one who slept with the scullery maid!" Lolita shouted back.

And a gasp managed to escape my lips, they both heard it but the Queen decided to think it was Henry gasping. As if he didn't know what she now knows.

"I have no time for this!" He says while trying to storm out of the room.

"You have no time me, you mean." The Queen corrects lowly.

The King immediately whips around and comes straight after her with such for that for a moment I thought he would hit her. No, instead he got so close to her face it seemed they were going to kiss, but he decided on a different approach.

"Make no mistake my dear, I will have time for my mate more than I ever will for you. This was a marriage of convenience and you best remember that." Henry says before turning and officially storming out of the room closing the door with a slam.

Lolita stands there for a moment before ultimately breaking down in a heap of sobs. I start to feel extremely guilty, I'm invading an extremely personal and private moment.

I want to say something to comfort her but I know what ever I do next could determine whether or not I ever actually get out of the pack house. So going against my nature I crawl away from the sad scene right before my eyes. As I'm making my way down random vent shafts a thought pops into my head, which is never a good sign.

I had no idea that they weren't actually mates. I mean in the thrown room they looked they we're each other's perfect halves, but I suppose looks can be deceiving.

As I'm lost in thought I don't notice the vent give out underneath me until I'm practically falling out of the celling. A shrill scream erupts from my throat, as I land with a thud.

"Ow!" I shout while rubbing the impact zone on my body.

"Uh excuse me miss? Are you alright?"

"Does it look like I'm alright Emma?" I sarcastically answer back. Then pause as my eyes widen and I quickly jerk my head around to find that Emma was in fact standing there. "Emma? What are you doing here?" I whisper shout.

"How do you know my name? Have we met before?" She rapid fires questions back at me while glancing around as if she was afraid to be caught by someone.

"You... you don't know me? Do you?" I ask dejected.

"I'm sorry no, now if you'll excuse me." She hurry's away from me looking like the white rabbit very much running away from Alice.

Well my little rabbit maybe you'll lead me to some answers. I inwardly smirk before following after her.

She takes a few turns but ultimately leads me right back to the throne room, only this time it feels particularly crowded. I tried to push my way through the crowd, it kinda worked but about halfway through some guy grabbed my ass. So I knocked him on his. Which oddly enough helped clear away some of the path so I could finally get through the crowd and into a hiding place.

Just because I was curious for answers didn't mean I was going to risk having the King or Queen spot me and throw me back into the dungeon or worse.

Shortly after the room falls into a hush, and soon King Henry and Queen Lolita enter the room. Slow and steady all the way to their gold thrones. I don't understand why royals have to walk so darn slow, I mean I have places to be, lives to ruin, so what can't they move just a little faster?

"Ladies, gentlemen and my people, I'm so glad you could join us on this momentous occasion. It is truly a rare sight to see both kingdoms united in one place but the vampires have some thing they wish to tell us that could affect both of our kingdoms as we know it." The King announces, before giving the signal to let in the special guests.

I don't know who the rulers are in the Vampires kingdom at this point in time so I'm kinda excited to see who it actually is.

I watch from my hiding place as the special guests everyone's been talking about finally reveal themselves. Based on the silence in the room, I can tell they were either royalty or a possible enemy. Probably both.

I wait until the sound of heels breaks the silence, and a women who I'd only seen a few hours ago graces the room. The women who had given me the key in the first place enters. Along with I'm guessing her husband.

They look absolutely stunning, they had to be in their early thirties, but with vampires I can never truly figure out their age. But now I'm even more curious to find out how old she actually is.

"Introducing the King Lucifer and Queen Maria of the Vampires and their four sons; Silas, Cole, Adam and Bo." a man announced from the side.

It's only then that I notice the four boys trailing after the King and Queen, my mates so very young. They couldn't have been more than 10 or 11.

So these were the important odd. They never mentioned ever having visited our Kingdom. Then again we haven't really had anytime to talk and chat I suppose. Apparently I'd been starring for to long because Cole managed to make direct eye contact with me.

I'm not sure who was more surprised me or him, probably him I was literally hiding in a damn vent spying. I expected him to rat me out immediately, instead he just continued to stare and hold my gaze.

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