Kingdom Hearts

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"This is insane!" My father was currently in the process of yelling at me and my mates.


"Don't you father me, you allowed and army to intrude, and furthermore you marched headfirst into battle without thinking or even planning!"

"But if you would just-"

Oh would this man just let me answer one of his damn accusations, he doesn't even know the full story but if he doesn't let me speak he never will.

"And! And you allowed hundreds if not thousands of vampires into this kingdom without even thinking!"

"In my defense, it looked to be an army approaching, when in a reality it was just a bunch of people moving their entire lives." I explain.

My mates were standing right behind me, like right behind me. They claimed its because after a month of not seeing me, or even being near me it pained them to not be near me when I was just within their reach. I was going to tell them it wasn't their best idea to be in the room when I get yelled at, especially since I was getting at because e of something they did.

"Sir it wasn't her fault-" Adam tries to say while stepping forward seemly wanting to protect me from my father.

"I'm not talking to you yet!" my father interrupts Adam.

"Hey don't talk to him like that!" i yell back

"Don't yell at your father!" my mother suddenly jumps in.

"Why don't we all stop yelling at each other? There's no reason this can't be solved reasonably, were all adults after all." Cole says making the yelling come to a screeching hault unfortunately. I was just starting to have fun.

"Fine." I mumble.

"Now Daphne why don't you explain who these men are, and how on earth do you know them?" My Papa Lucian asks.

Apparently my mother didn't tell them what I had been up to while I was gone, which is both sweet that she keeps make secrets and terrible because I now have to have a very uncomfortable conversation with my fathers. The room seems to fill with an uncomfortable silence, and all eyes seemed to glue onto me.

For a minute or two I don't say anything, I merely just look at the nearest window and see if I could make it in time, or if the jump down would kill me.

"Well?" my father Xzavier prompts when I don't respond.

I took in a deep breathe knowing this was about to be a long ass monologue, " Well you remember a few months ago when I discovered that vampire's were getting mates, and then I told all of you and then we started arguing and eventfully I got fed up and left the room. And then the kingdom. where I eventually stumbled upon this magical kingdom hidden by some kind of fairy. I think, I honestly have no clue what she is-"

"Neither do we." Silas jumps in.

"Any way, I found these four guys and it was soon revealed me that were mates. And then a whole bunch of weird things happened to me, at on point I think I actually went back in time. And then one day Mom came to me, and told me how the elders were planning on getting rid of my throne. So I abandoned my mates, came here, got crowed and then some more time passed an now here we are."

"What are you? Admiral exposition?" Bo asks

"I just wanted to let know, so we could be on the same page."

"That's just a lot to process, I'm going to need a minute."

"We'll revisit this tomorrow," My mother announces and the room soon dissipates. 

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