Meanwhile Back Home

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"Any luck?" I ask as my mates come back after a night out of looking for Daphne.

"None." Is all Lucian says.

"It's like she's completely disappeared, we can't even mindlink her." Xavier explains.

"Well I'd hate to think something has happened to her," I sigh.

"No, no she definitely still alive. Our wolves would have felt that, had something happed to her."

I breathe out a slight sigh of relief, but I still couldn't fully relax. My bay girl was out there doing goddess knows what! All alone in the cruel world we live in. She's been so sheltered her whole life I can't even imagine what's happed to her out there.

I just wish she would come home already. The council of elders is becoming increasingly problematic, they keep declaring they'll remove her of her crown if she doesn't return soon.

"Your majesty's the Elders have requested your presence." A servant announces standing just outside the doorway.

"Tell them we'll be down shortly." I reply while waving him off.

Just great, just what my mates want to talk about. The possibility of their only daughter loosing her birth right, after a night of no sleep, with a group of people who can't seem to understand that their words to have consequences.

I quickly round up my mates as soon as they are changed, they don't even have time to grab some coffee before we're all being dragged away to our meeting.

We had just barely sat down before absolute bedlam erupts.

"Your highness what is your plan to get that wayward daughter of your back?!"

"Do we even have a coronation to plan anymore?!"

"Where is she!?"

"The Princess has been gone for weeks now! What are we supposed to do?!"

"Not to mention her coronation isn't that far away, if she doesn't return home soon and choose a suitor. We'll have no choice but to pass her throne off to the next in line." Another Elder chimes in.

"I've my dead body!" Damien argues.

"We refuse to give up our daughter birthright, and you're this close for being tried for treason on that suggestion." Lucian threatens.

"I misspoke, but still if her coronation happens and their is no ruler in sight you will continue to rule as we prepare the next in line." The elder said, his decision final.

"Very well." Damien gritted out, clearly not liking the plan one bit, but it's not as if he has another choice.

"The you are all dismissed." Lucian growls out, when nobody makes any move to leave, he yells "out now before I suddenly decide I want a new council!"

They all quickly scrabble out of the room like their asses were on fire, but not before mumbling a few choice words, that had my mates ready to boil them alive.

I hope karma finds them before I do.

"We need to find Daphne," Lucian rushes out the second the door closes and we're alone.

"No duh," Xavier replies.

"Well we were all thinking it I just said it!" Lucian says with an exasperated sigh.

"Will you two be quiet, if you have nothing helpful to add then your silence is preferable." Damien says shutting them up instantly.

"We need to find her and drag her ass back here." Xavier says once again stating the obvious.

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