An Army Approaching

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"Just breathe, I don't understand why you're panicking so much." My best friend Mac was telling me.

She's been in quite the mood ever since her girlfriend broke up with her, and while I say 'good riddance!' All she can say is 'I just want her back!' Usually while sobbing hysterically.

"Well it's a very nerve racking experience, I mean she's about to be sworn in and be fully responsible for a kingdom," my mother explains.

She's currently in the process of trying to fix up my hair so that my crown will sit perfectly upon my head. Frankly I couldn't care less at the moment, I just want things to go smoothly but I can't help feeling I'm missing something.

It's as if the puzzle has been put together properly but there's several pieces missing from it. I'm not even going to try and kid myself into believing something other than the truth, I miss my mates. Plain and simple. And I can't even say I'm proud of the decision I made because I haven't fully seen he consequences of my decision. I mean I could be a terrific ruler, but I'll never have someone to rule with other than them.

And I'm not even sure they'd ever leave there hidden kingdom to come be apart of mine. I hope they would. It's not like id have anytime in the near future to go off and get them, so I just have to hope they'd figure it our on their own.

"There, all finished." My mother announces and I finally look into the mirror and I can hardly recognize myself.

"Woah, I look...."

"Stunning!" Mac squeals, running over and hugging me.

"I guess I do," I mutter, still not believing that I'm actually looking  at myself. I truly look like a Queen.

"Ok ok come on or we're gonna be late," my mother says trying to quiet literally shove me out the door.

After an awkward car ride, and and even weirder time trying to get out of said car- this dress really doesn't want to cooperate with me. I was finally all set to walk down the aisle and become the newest ruler.

Oh goddess help me.

The second I started walking down the aisle, closer to my crown, closer to my future in my destiny, I almost seem to blank, I don't even remember getting to the altar standing in front of the high elder. I don't know where my brain was, I just couldn't stop thinking about my mates.

They should've been here with me... so many questions are wrapped around my head, should I have waited and ask them to come with me in the morning? Would they had persuaded me to stay? Would things have been different if I had just... listened?

I'm always getting caught up in my own head, like right now. On one of the most important days of my life I'm zoning out, thinking about for amazing guys and a future that I may never have even thought it was right within my reach.

A sneeze somewhere in the audience brings me back, and the entire ceremony is almost done. It's amazing how much of this I actually didn't need to be here for.

"Do you swear to guide, protect and lead?"

"I do."

"Then I now present the new Queen of Edmin!"


I'm the damn Queen of an entire freaking country!

Everyday since I've been crowned and woke up to this crazy realization that I am finally the queen of my country. It's a glorious revolution, it both scares and intrigues me at the same time, but I am more than ready to take on the challenge of every day.

"Madam you had better be ready for your 11 o'clock appointment," Ricardo warns me from outside the door.

He does this every day, something tells me my parents used to skip out on a lot of their duties and he's worried I'll take after them in that regard. Let's just say I would if I could.

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