I'm Allergic To Bullshit

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"Oh dark empty abyss you understand me," I sigh.

I stare at the vast nothing that I've been floating around it for what seems like an eternity. I feel so relaxed and relived, like I haven't a care in the world. If this is death I wonder why people fear it?

No. I'm not dead. I can't be, I have too much left to do. My dark abyss no longer relaxing me, instead making me feel as if I'm suffocating as I begin to panic. And there was someone, or someone's I was meant to be doing something for? Or with?

Why can't I think of anything? No matter. I suppose if I forgot about it, it couldn't have been all that important I suppose. I close my eyes as a wave of tiredness washes over me, but as I do I get the sudden feeling that I'm no longer alone in this void.

Trusting my instincts I don't bother to open my eyes but merely ask, "Whose there?"

"Well aren't you a peculiar a little thing... I can see what my sons see in you." The stranger replies, but as soon as he says 'sons' my eyes fly open. Curious to see the stranger I've seen only once before.

"King Lucifer," I say in awe.

"That would be me,"

"But-but you're dead! Wait! Does that mean I'm dead? Oh no my fathers are gonna kill me!" My calm relaxed feeling long gone as I shout at the dead King.

I didn't think I was dad but with him here this only confirms that I must be dead! He merely stares at me with an amused expression plastered on his face. "What's so funny?" I ask with a slight sniffle. Sometime during my rant I had started to cry... but I couldn't figure out why.

"You truly believe you're dead, don't you?" He asks.

"Yeah...? I'm not?" Sniff sniff

"No you're not." He says with a hint of amusement still hidden in his voice.

"Then why am I talking to a dead man?" I deadpan.

"I'm not entirely sure myself, but I think I've been sent to talk to you about your never ending line of questions lately. For someone so young you're constantly thinking about the future."

"I have to, if not me then who? I'm the only one in charge of my future." I hastily explain.

"Then why do you question yourself?"

"I- I don't know." I admit.

"That's okay, it's perfectly fine to not know about the future. What's not okay is being so terrified of that future, that it stops you from truly living in the present." He says and I just faintly nod my head at his speech.

"Woah, I can see why you were King." I say once I'm able to get my wits about me again.

"Nah, just after a few centuries I've learned to make up speeches on the spot- between you and me I never really liked writing speeches ahead of time so I usually just made stuff up in the moment, please don't tell my wife...?" he whispers that last part which makes me giggle.


"Thanks, now you should probably get back, my boys will be missing you."

And without another word Lucifer begins to fade away, he says something as he goes but it's so muddled that I can't make out what he said. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do to wake up, but a sudden strong pull had me being dragged backwards.

I tried to pull against it at first but then I saw it was guiding me out of the nothing that I've been trapped in it was towards a spiral of colors and blinding lights. I closed my eyes and braced for impact, but impact never came. But I could suddenly feel my body again, and all the pain that came with it.

Four Sets of Fangsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें