Family Dinner

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In a flash I'm speeding off to my parents house, the last thing I want is to be late for dinner. I'll literally never hear the end of it, plus it'll just be another excuse for my grandpa to see me as a failure and not worthy of being Luna Queen.

I love my grandpa and I know he love me as well but he loves this kingdom to death and just wants what's best for it. And in his backwards way of thinking he doesn't believe a women ruling alone will be good for his kingdom.

He especially wants one of my younger cousins to take over, it doesn't even matter which one takes over to him because they're both guys and they're both only a few years away from being able to find their mates. But I seriously doubt they would find them in the fist year they are able to.

This family is known for finding their mates a little later in life, I mean I'm almost 21, which is when I'll be crowned Luna Queen, and I still haven't found my mate.

And I have yet to hear the end of it for almost 5 years!

I burst through the front door and quickly make my way back up to my room to change, after being out in the forest for several hours not to mention having a fight while being out there I looked horrible.

After a quick shower I changed into a cute light pink cocktail dress, with a pair of pink velvet platform heels to go with it. As I'm looking over myself in the mirror I can faintly hear people downstairs, and one particular male voice that just sounds... disappointed.

"Daphne you'd better be up in your room!" I hear Lucian yell.


"Good now get your butt down here!" He yells once again, and I seriously debate on going down there.

"Agh fine!" I shout back before making my way down the three flights of stairs the normal way and into the dining room where my family sits.

"Good evening everyone," I say before sitting down.

"How nice of you to finally join us granddaughter," my grandpa says in his usual upset tone.

"You missed the Duke of Listeria Daph, he was so disappointed to not get to meet with you today," my mother says casually.

Uh- oh here we go with the guilt trips, something my mother is pretty damn good at. Apparently something happened to her when my parents first got together and she's been holding it over their heads for years.

She's my hero, I just wished she use her powers for good, and not against me especially not in front of my grandparents. The last thing I need is more amo for them to use against me to prove that I'm not fit to be Luna Queen.

"Forgive me I was busy," I apologize.

"With what?" My cousins Landed and Lincoln demand as if I owe them some sort of explanation.

"Something." I deadpan.

"Go on you can tell us," my uncle Seth says trying to get me to open up, I think it just did the opposite cause I want nothing more than to keep my mouth shut, and that's exactly what I'll do.

This particular instance reminds me of one of one of the few occasions I got an actual lesson that would help me rule. I flash back to one of my lessons from when I was a little girl, my teacher was late on this particular day so my mother stepped in and taught me a few things.

'A Queen must always be respectful even if you don't respect the person you're talking too' she told me.

'What do you mean momma?'

'Well for starters if you have nothing nice to say then you must say nothing at all,' she explains.

'Is that why you're quiet at all those meetings?'

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