What Really Happened

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I grabbed onto my apparent mate and quickly threw her over my shoulder, I could feel her starting to punch at my back trying to inflict any pain she could on me. I wasted no time in jumping into hyper speed to get to the castle as soon as possible, within a few seconds she seemed to tense up then get extremly limp.

I glance over my shoulder only to notice that that she had passed out, I started panicing even more, and very unsure what would have caused it. She was a wolf and most are used to going as fast as most vampires could so I didn't understand how she could pass out.

Maybe I scarred her so much she passed out? my stomack twisted into knots at the thought of my mate being afraid of me. I couldn't- wouldn't allow that to happen.

This was new to me, I mean I was expecting a mate for years now but this is something so strange and odd in our world I'm not entirely sure how to process it.

"Brothers! I need your help!" I shout out on my way up to my bedroom, even if they were on the other side of the castle I knew they would hear me. And I was somewhat grateful for her timing because Adam was currently out down in the town, which means we wouldn't have to deal with his explosive personality.

Not to long after I had walked into my room, my brothers Silas and Coke were right behind me.

I gently lie her on my bed, I begin taking off her shoes and coat not too surprised to find weapons very well hidden by it.

"Are you to just going to stand there and stare?" I say without glance at them.

"We're just taking in the fact, that is our mate," Silas says slowly as if he doesn't believe what he's seeing and smelling.

"Well be useful, and hand me those chains," I say absentmindedly.

"Uh no?" Silas says and I can clearly tell he doesn't want to chain her up, and while I don't necessarily want to either it's just that I know based on her first reaction that given the chance she will run away.

"Why?" I ask turning around to meet him head on.

"Because that's just going to terrify her even more!" He shouts, and I wince at his tone.

"Here." Coke deadpans while practically thrusting the cuffs at me.

"Thank you,"

I go over to the bed and cuff each of her legs to the end to the end of the bed on the railing. Then I cover her up with the blanket, and step back to admire my work. But as I'm looking at her something hits me, who she looks like.

"She looks just like the Luna Queen when she was younger.." I say in amazement.

"What do you mean?"

"What are you talking about?" My brothers ask in unison.

"Okay so y'all remember back when us vampires had our own rulers?"

"Yeah," Silas answers but also giving my brother a side eye, trying to convey to them that he thought I was crazy.

"Okay well one time I was in the capital getting drunk off my ass, like usual, when I may have pissed off a few palace guards. So of course I get slightly beat up and thrown into jail, when I was in their I met a girl in there. And she looked horrible, like something out of a straight up nightmare, and I knew I had to help her," I begin explaining.

"Hold up are you saying the girl you helped was the Queen?!" Silas asks in shock.

"Yup, that's exactly what I'm saying", I say smugly.

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