Secrets Of The Past; Part Three

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After another moment or two Cole finally looked away from me and I could breathe a sigh of relief. For a minute, it was literally one minute, because in the next all four heads snapped in my direction.

I wanted to look away so badly but I knew I couldn't, that would make me look suspicious and the last thing I need right now is another group of people throwing me into a cell.

Luckily for me King Henry starts to speak again, "King Lucifer and Queen Maria, what an honor it is to have you here tonight!" He booms.

"It is for us as well, but we we're under the impression this was to be a private affair." King Lucifer points out seemingly annoyed that Henry made a spectacle out of him. And honestly I would be too if I was him.

"Come now Lucifer, surely you don't mind," King Henry tries to soothe.

"If you do not remove these wolves from my presence, then I will remove myself from yours." This time Queen Maria is the one to pose the threat and she did so with a stunning smile on her face.

Henry seemed to think about it for a moment, but then his eyes glazed over along with Lolita which let me know they were currently arguing about whether or not the onlookers should leave. The crowd watched silently, as did the visiting royals. Before long a triumphant smirk appeared on Queen Lolita's face, letting the crowd know she had won.

"Leave." She said calmly but with a hidden power to her words.

As if on que everyone in the room suddenly has a better place to be. They all shuffle out together, a few mumbles her and there, mostly about their disappointment at not being able to listen in on this meeting. But apparently they, the vampire King and Queen, wanted no one else in the room when it happens.

I feel like I probably should have left with the crowd but I had to see what this meeting was about. I had never been taught about this in any of my schooling when I was younger. I wonder why?

"Now that we are alone, what exactly brings you here?" King Henry asks.

"Your goddess has interfered with our people and I will not stand for it." Queen Maria spits out.

"In what way?" Lolita asks skeptically.

"Mates." Is all Maria states.

"Not possible, your kind doesn't have mates." Lolita says while trying to hold back a laugh.

"Do you find my Queen funny?" Lucifer asks an underlying threat to his question.

"Of course not. But we find the notion of vampires getting mates to be absolutely preposterous," Henry explains.

The room goes deathly silent, it's so quiet that I think I've gone deaf for a moment, until Lucifer speaks again, "Your goddess has warned and threatened us, why?"

"You think we're behind this!? The goddess acts in her own ways no mortal could possibly sway her to change something!" Henry shouts outraged at the blatant accusation.

"Gentlemen try to control your temper," Queen Maria says trying to get the group to remain civil.

"When did the goddess say she'll assign vampires their mates?" Lolita asks.

"She's was cryptic about her answers. She merely replied, 'when the time is right'. Maria responds.

Go figure, according to my mother The moon goddess never tells you anything. I'm fact she'll even go out of her way to deceive you, just so you can't figure out what her end goal is. My mother is still confused by her entire ordeal with the goddess and it happened years ago.

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