Fight For Your Throne

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"Are you insane?" Adam asks.

"Call me crazy one more time Adam and I swear they'll never find your body," I threaten. "I don't even care that you're my mate."

He's quiet for a moment before saying, "I was wrong, that was a bit to far. But you still can't leave!" And if he stomped his foot I would swear he was throwing a fit. Great its just like the Dukes I'm used to seeing.

"Yeah he's right! And I can't believe that just came out of my mouth." Silas shudders.

He's trying to make light of the situation but I'm to worried and too angry to find any humor in this situation. My throne is about to be striped away from me, the very thing I've been working towards since I was born. If it's taken away from me, then that would mean all the suffering, and wasted childhood years would be for nothing.

"I have to leave, or those hair-brained elders are going to give away my throne to my idiot cousins and I simply can't allow that to happen." I state because they are rulers I thought they would understand how important this was to me.

"We understand how important this is, but you still can't leave." Bo jumps in.

He gave me hope at first but I don't think he'll be the one to help me. I began to zone out not particularly interested in hearing the rest of their bullshit argument, I mean at this point they haven't even given me an actual reason why I can't leave.

I can feel my mothers gaze boring into the back of my head I know she's waiting for me. I had to put an end to this argument. They either had to let me go willingly, or maybe even come with me?

But I just don't know if I want to leave them in the first place, I can't believe I even thought that given that a few weeks ago, I would've run screaming for the hills just to get away from my mates. Funny how times change.

"Give me one good reason why I should stay?" I whisper, not entirely sure actually wanted them to hear a question that I needed the answer anyway. I was on the verge of tears, I didn't know how much of this I could actually take.

The room got deathly quiet. They were all just staring at me as if I can't believe I was probably going to leave. A minute passed. And then another, and I finally had enough.

"That's my answer I guess." Disappointment dripped over my voice, and I knew it was probably written all over my face as well.

I walked over to the bed my mother was still sitting on and helped her down. She didn't say anything for a while at least but I know you're eventually discuss this.

I got her to one of the spare guest bedrooms on the first floor, I had become pretty familiar with his castles layout, so I know I like the back of my hand this point.

"You're really going to give them up?" She asked startling me.

" I'm not sure..." was is my only reply before I turned left out I had much to think about and I knew that no matter the decision I made tonight will change the rest of my future.

"Come on," I say in a hushed whisper.

It's late at night and I don't want to risk waking my mates up, otherwise they may actually try to stop me. I'd always know I wasn't cut of to have mates but this just proves it further.

If they can't at least try to see things from my point of view then clearly we don't make a very good match together. I mean I hadn't given our future much thought but now I'm really regretting not bringing it up sooner. I'm not even sure why I didn't think about, my anxiety usually has me stressing about the future 24/7, I guess I've just been living in denial about what's been happening.

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