Spite And Fury

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My head begins to spin at the high speed, and I start thinking that this has got to be a form of torture for some wolves. If not when I get back home I'm going to look into it, my fathers will definitely get any answer they want out of any criminal.

When I thought I couldn't take anymore my mate comes to a stop, and it's not a 'subtle slowing down' kind of stop oh no, it's a 'all at once feels like I hit a brick wall' kind of stop.

"Arghhh!" I groan out, trying to blink away both the pain and dizziness.

"Sorry! Are you okay?" He asks and it freaks me out for a moment because I wasn't actually expecting them to actually be nice towards me, I mean I definitely wasn't.

"Ugh whatever, can you put me down now?" I ask hoping he'll actually do it this time. I've noticed we're not inside the castle just yet, but rather the courtyard just in front of the castle.

"Oh sure," he says before gently putting me back on my feet but not fully letting go of me, I sway slightly on my feet for a few moments before ultimately settling.

Once I'm sure I properly have my balance, I jump back a kick him in the stomach hard enough to send him reeling back, before I dart off in the direction of the bridge that leads to the town.

I bolt off as fast as my legs could possibly carry me, I got no further than maybe a few feet away before I was tackled to the ground.

"Get off me you son of a bitch!" I shout at whoever had jumped onto me, I knew it wasn't who I just kicked because of the smell but I did know it was one of my other mates.

"As much as I would love to see you beat up my brother, please don't prove me wrong," he said sweetly with a hint of amusement in his voice, and I suddenly wanted to hear him laugh.

I shake my head as if trying to erase the thoughts of my mates.

"Now I'm going to get off of you and you're not going to try and run off again right?"

"Right." I ground out.

He almost immediately jumps off of me and helps me back to my feet,"now come on my brothers are waiting for us in the parlor,"

As we're walking into the castle I don't try to escape again but I do take notes of any possible escapes, or anything that maybe useful to me later on.

I notice we're getting closer to the parlor because my mates scent starts to get even stronger, but there was a fourth scent that I hadn't smelt before. And once again dread crept back up my spine, I had a fourth fucking mate!

By now I'm in a completely foul mood.

Once we finally walked into the parlor I could identify the unknown smell earlier was another man he seemed a lot more closed off and quiet than the others did though. We were all somewhat separated around the room and I felt like a bug under a microscope in a thong. What was worse is that an uncomfortable silence filled the room practically making me suffocate under it.

"So... what's your name?" The one who had carried me asks, oh good it's time for awkward small talk the thing I dread at every party I'm forced to attend.

"What are you doing?" I ask suspiciously.

"Trying to get to know my mate..."

I look around at my other three mates, there was clearly some mixed opinions, and feelings. The one named Adam looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here. There was another I had yet to interact with who seemed very quiet and reserved, he merely watched on from the side.

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