Locked Door, Missing Key

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"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I whisper yell to myself as I was making my way back to the room I first woke up in.

How could I have been so damn blind?! I mean what even happened he- he stole my first kiss and had the audacity to say those things then leave like his ass was on fire. That selfish condescending lump of flesh! Of course he doesn't care about me! But I somehow diluted myself into believing they actually cared about me, I doubt any of them actually care about my well being.

And according to Adam they probably only want me here to figure out why exactly vampires are getting mates. Which is exactly the thing that led me here in the first place! So it looks like I won't be getting the answers I need, great just my luck.

I wonder if Emma has any possible answers, I mean she is very old and wise I'm sure she has to know something. Not to mention she was all close and chummy with the Moon Goddess Selene durning that weird ass dream.

Now how I'm the world do I contact her? Last time I didn't do anything she just kinda showed up as she pleased.

When I finally come out of my thoughts I realize I'm finally back in the same hallway with rows of doors that all smell suspiciously like my mates. Well, except for one at the far end.

All the way down on the other side there's a door that appears to be covered in a thick layer of dust and cobwebs. This fact alone confuses me because even though this castle is relatively old it's kept practically spotless. At least in the parts that I've seen.

I step closer to the door until I'm within arms reach and slowly reach my hand out to try and turn the door handle. The ornate handle doesn't even remotely budge, locked. I sigh in defeat but my curiosity begins to rear its ugly head and now I have to get that door open.

I glance down at the hole a key would most likely fit in, and I slowly trace my fingers around the keyhole trying to determine what type of key would fit into the hole.

Unfortunately for me I don't know a lot about keys and what they fit into, so I don't really have any background knowledge to go off of. I briefly considered just forgetting about the locked door and just sleeping in one of the other rooms.

"Great, now I gotta find a key cause there's no way I'm sleeping in any of those other rooms," I mutter to myself.

I glance around still making sure no one is coming near the door before I stealthily sneak away now on a mission for the missing key.

My first thought is to go in the other rooms to see if they have it hidden somewhere in their rooms. I start in the one I first woke up in, Bo's room.

I fling open the closet bug stumbled back at the wave of my mates scent that seemed to wash over me and drown me in it.

"It's not in here!" I practically scream out once I've completely destroyed Bo room, im sure he won't mind...

"Whatcha doing?" Emma calls out from behind me, I whip around as I try to calm my racing heart from the sudden heart attack I just experienced.

"Trying to not have a heart attack at the moment," I reply.

"Funny," she deadpan.

"Excuse you I am funny," I defend.

"So what are you looking for and why ya getting so mad?" She asks again.

"I'm looking for a key," I reply simply.

"What's the key go to?"

"A door,"

"Which door?"

"Oh just follow me!"

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