An Offer I Could Definitely Refuse

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"Goddess what a freaky dream, though now I feel like I have to talk to my mother about the strange things she went through when she first met my fathers." I mumble to myself.

How long was I even asleep? Hold up when did I even fall asleep?!

If this happens every time I fall asleep I'm never gonna get any sleep ever again. I wonder if Emma knows anything about this or even if that was actually her in the dream or some kind of mirage? I really need to stop with all the damn questions lately, especially because I know I won't get any answers while I'm stuck here.

The mere thought of being stuck here sends me into another rage spiral, I know I shouldn't get angry, anger isn't something that's going to help me. But that doesn't negate the fact that I'm still pissed off at my entire situation at the moment.

I refuse to be a captive! I'm next in line for the fucking throne and I refuse to be outsmarted by a bunch of vampires!

I'm brought out of my angry and vengeance filled thoughts by a quick knocking at the door. I begin wondering who would come visit me, I took a sniff trying to determine if one of my mates were on the side of the door. Luckily for me they weren't.

"Come in?" I shout over at the door while making myself comfortable sitting in bed.

A second later a women that looked to be in her early fourties' walked in all prim and proper. Even though she looked to be in her fourties' didn't mean she was, vampires and their extremely deceiving looks always have me wondering how old someone actually is.

So much so that I don't even focus on the conversation because I'm trying to determine how old they actually are based off of their mannerisms and how they speak. And I've gotten in to quite a bit of trouble trying to figure it out.

"Good afternoon dear, would you like some lunch?" She asks her voice sounds exactly like that of a nurturing mother.

I raise my eyebrow at her question, she looked more like the head maid than a servant, not to mention she wasn't holding a tray full of food.

"Uh sure?"

"Are you not sure?"

"You've no idea," I mumbled but she just continues to look at me expecting and answer.

"Yes, I would like lunch." I respond all prim and proper, just as I was raised to be.

"Good come with me." She states simply before turning and strolling out the door.

"What about my cuffs?!" I shout back at her.

"What cuffs?!" She yells back.

And I quickly throw back the covers to look at my legs and wouldn't you know it, no cuffs. At all. That had completely disappeared... who was this woman? And what strange manic did she possess?

I scurry off the bed and chase after her down the hall, I'm not sure where she's heading but I really hope it's to the kitchen because I'm hungry all over again. I round a corner and I'm finally able to catch up with her, "So where are we going?" I ask slightly out of breath.

"The kitchen of course! Unless you'd rather go outside hunt for your own food?" She asks all snarky.

"I'm good," I ground out.

"Very well then, Ah here we are," she says as we enter the kitchen still just as busy as it was yesterday, apparently it's like this every day no matter what. "Sit." She orders while pointing at one of stools at one of the kitchen islands.

"Yes ma'am," I mock solute.

I watch as she flutters around the room, managing to miss all the other kitchen staff. I'm constantly holding my breath as I watch her to terrified she's gonna hit someone or something. Even though my best friend Mac works in the kitchen in the pack house it's never this busy in there, which I usually why I can come and go as I please. But it feels like I need to be invited or have a specific reason to be in her at all.

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