Time For a Flashback Already?

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"Enough! Get out of my house!" I shout finally fed up with their antics.

I hear a faint sound coming from my outside I don't pay much attention to it my only goal at the moment is to get these animals out of my damn house.

"What was that," Sage asks.

"Nothing of importance now LEAVE!" I shout.

Everyone mutters and groans and finally shuffles out the front door once the door slams behind Lincoln my adorable little nephew I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Now my first plan of action is to go check on my daughter because after this entire night she definitely needs some support and then I'll be back down here to yell at my mates who still have yet to learn after 30 years women are not damsels in distress and don't need your help every five minutes to come rescue them.

Not to say that what they did was helpful in fact I think it just messed up the situation even more and now dinner is ruined.

"I'll deal with you three later," I shout over my shoulder as I head up stairs to check on Daphne.

After an exhausting trip up three flights of stairs, man I hate these stairs! Even after 30 years they're still killing me. On the plus side they've helped keep me in shape after all these years I mean with a three story house and a bad memory... I'm in the best shape of my life.

"Daphne sweetie can we talk?" I ask after knocking on her door. I wait a few minutes but after getting no answer I knock once again.

"Daph I know you're upset but please don't ignore me... Daph?"

I knock again this time with more force than necessary, then a sickening thought fills my head and dread creeps up my spine. And I suddenly got the feeling she was no longer in her room, or even in this house... possibly even the territory.

This time without waiting for a reply I open the door and I'm surprised to find the room looks like it was ransacked. Drawers were flung open, her clothes were scattered all around the room, her bed was messy and un-made and above all the balcony door was flung open.

I know she left, and I unfortunately think it was willingly, she would have never left her balcony door open she's always terrified some creep is gonna scale the side of the house and kidnap her in the middle of the night.

I blame my mates for that lovely bit of paranoia, when she was younger they always used to scare her with stories of princesses being kidnapped and unfortunately that happens rather regularly around here...

And yes, I'm still bitter about the whole kidnapping even though it happened almost 30 years ago. But I lost a child in those few short days of pure torture, and while I do love my little Daphne, I miss my first child.

But I like to imagine what it would've been like to watch him or her grow up raise a little boy or a little girl. It would've been peaceful and serene but I don't even know if we we're ready to have kids at that time but still they were mine and those vampires had no right to take them away from me.

Without wasting another minute I bolt from the room rage now at the prominent forefront of my mind, and my mates being the center focus of it.


"What?" I hear from Xavier.

"What's wrong?" I hear from a worried Lucian.

"She's gone!" I shout coming to stop at the end of the stairs where luckily my mates were waiting for me.

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