Hide and Don't Seek

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I managed to sneak away from the pack house much to my own surprise. Usually when we have a visitor I'm practically watched like a hawk to make sure I can't run away or disappear. To be fair I always run away from visitors, I just cant help myself- I hate people!

The Goddess must be on my side today!

Which leads me to where I am now, I'm currently walking through the thick and dense forest that's just beyond the packs training field. I used to come out here everyday when I was a child so I know this place like the back of my hand.

Only I wish the memories of why I was out here so much were happier... while I may be grateful for my parents and everything they've taught me, that doesn't necessarily mean I always felt like that. When I was a kid I hated all my lessons, all the languages I had to learn and how to delegate and reason with others and it was all too much especially for a 10-year-old.

So I would come out here, I used to climb the nearest tree I could find and play all day in the trees. And the best part was whenever anybody would try to come find me they never could, apparently no one ever looks up.

I was- I still am the hide and seek champion, I was only ever found when I wanted to be. And right now I didn't want to be found, therefore I wouldn't.

Ah this is so much better than entertaining some pompous Duke, I mean come on! I'm a freaking princess and even I'm not nearly as bitchy as some of these dudes.

I've only ever met one Duke that I actually enjoyed hanging out with, Duke Cathal of Rutherford. I think if I was ever forced into a marriage I would only ever be comfortable with him as my husband, the only problem is we would both be the Queen in the relationship.

Cathal is gayer than a rainbow and I love him so much more for it, he's so sweet and a great dancer, his boyfriend thinks so too...

So that just leaves me with those bratty, snot nosed Dukes! If you couldn't tell by now I really freaking hate them! It wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't plainly obvious that they were only interested in me because I would help elevate there social status.

Wanting to let off some steam I pick up a rock a throw it, feeling some release but not enough I pick up another rock and throw it just as hard as the first one only this time I actually hit something or should I say someone, judging by the "ow!" that came from the direction I threw the stone. Because the last time I checked rocks don't say ow.

"Hey whose over there throwing rocks?!" And angry male voice calls.

I don't answer, nor do I move, hell I don't even breathe. I'm not used to anyone being out here except me it takes me by surprise, as I look behind me I can see I've wandered pretty far away from the pack house.

"Come out come out wherever you are!" The guy calls out in a sing song voice and I slowly start backing up.

"We know your there, we can smell you!" Another voice calls this one female. Okay now that is just creepy.

As I'm about to turn and haul ass back to the pack house or even my house, I'm attacked. I feel something hard slam onto my back as I'm shoved into the ground. I roll to get whoever just jumped on me off, with a quick twist they go flying.

I jump to my feet just in time to be met head on with another attack, a swift punch in the face makes me stumble but in no time I've regained my balance and fight back with a few swift punches of my own.

I glance over to where I threw the other person off of me earlier but to my surprise there's no one over there,

"Where-?" I mumble before I'm kicked in my stomach I double over in pain. "Okay now I'm mad!" I shout before launching at apparently the male I heard earlier.

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