First Encounter

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"You know Emma I think you and I are going to get on just fine,"

"Really? Why do you say that?" She asks clearly confused by my statement.

"Because you're going to show me the nearest place to eat," I say simply.

Food was the only thing that was currently on my mind, and if I didn't find anything soon I was going to strip and shift into my wolf and go hunting for it myself.

"Oh, I suppose I could but we'd have to be careful not to be seen by..."

"By who?" I ask when she doesn't finish her sentence.

"Well the warriors and guards for starters and none of the lords,"

"Lords? Like there are multiple?" I've never heard of multiple lords sharing the same plait of land before, maybe it's just an old tradition?

"Yes, there are four lords and they are brothers," she explains.

"Hmm how unusual, are they all the same age and they just share power and responsibility?" I ask my wolf getting more and more excited at the prospect of meeting these lords.

And I kinda was too, I just don't know why there would be an entire wolf kingdom out here in the middle of nowhere. Especially in the middle of the former vampire territory, maybe that's why the entrance was secretly hidden? To keep the vampires out?

"Your not very bright," I hear Emma state and I suddenly snap back into reality.

I squint my eyes at her in an accusatory manner before asking, "did you just read my thoughts?"

"No?" She says but it sounds more like a question than and actual answer.

"You know you're a terrible liar, right?"

"Yeah I know," she says shamefully while lowering her head.

"Okay just checking... so how much further til we get into town?"

"Not to long maybe another 20 minutes?"

"What is this place called anyway?" I ask taking in my surroundings.

"Goldenleaf of course," she states like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Goldenleaf huh? Sounds like a place Fae and elves would live," I snort.

"Well they did originally, but that was hundreds of years ago. In fact in was back when the humans didn't even know about werewolves and vampires." She tells me matter of factly.

As we begin to to get deeper and deeper into the forest not to mention closer to the town, their are two specific things I begin to notice. The first would be my stomach, at first it was silent only communicating it's hunger to me but at this point it was practically yelling and not only to me but to Emma and the rest of the freaking forest.

The second was Emma's change in demeanor, gone was her somewhat carefree attitude, now she was just as fidgety as I was right before my last family dinner get together.

I notice Emma's change in poster and the look of fright now plastered onto her face. I glance around but mostly I keep my eyes trained on where she is looking.

But I don't see anything out of the ordinary, but I'm only scanning the ground, it suddenly hits me that I should probably look up. As soon as that thought pops into my head I jerk my head up into the trees, and I spot a shadowy figure lurking about.

It seemed to be watching me and Emma but still hadn't realized that I had now acknowledged him or her.

"Hey! Who are you?!" I shout grabbing their attention.

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