What The Hell? I'm in Hell!

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"Oh goddess why is the sun so bright?" I groan, the sunlight unfortunately waking me up.

I glance over at the clock on the side table, my eyes widen when I take in the time it was 1 o'clock. And given that the sun was out I could only assume it was p.m.

"Oh I guess that would be why..." I groan before deciding to get up and get on with my spontaneous little adventure.

I sit up in bed, and wait a moment for my eyes to finally adjust to the room. Once my eyes have finally adjusted they widen at the sight of the room, I'm not that picky usually but damn! The place looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in literal centuries, I couldn't tell what color anything was because of the huge layer of dust that was on it.

"I really hope the other rooms aren't this bad," I sigh.

I toss my legs over the side of the bed, and a nice layer of dust begins to waft from the bed. I start frantically waving my hands in front of my face while coughing my brains out. I'm not sure who the clean up crew is but they definitely need to be fired immediately then again I may only be getting this treatment because I'm a freaking werewolf but damn!

They couldn't have known I was coming, so why the hell would they have one room so dirty and disgusting and- and- yuck!

But why would they have one room they don't keep clean unless all the rooms are like this?

Woah easy there Nancy Drew the last thing I need to do is start asking even more questions, now time to get down to business. I practically leap off of the bed and head straight into the bathroom to take a shower, trying to avoid the mirror at all costs, no doubt I probably look like death and probably smell like it too.

After a quick shower I change into a nice simple pair of shorts and another tank top, thankfully I brought changes of clothes and I should have enough for about 3 to 4 days depending on how well I can mix-and-match them.

And I made sure to keep all of them casual, I don't want to draw any more attention to myself although I think being the only werewolf and a coven of vampires already did that for me. But I guess having my fathers werewolf stink rather than my mother scent is better I wouldn't want to end up on the menu.

I'd rather be hated than be lunch.

Once I'm done getting ready I throw on my coat and grab my bag before waltzing out the door, on to day two of my spontaneous new adventure. I managed to sneak out of my room without being noticed, my one flaw in my plan was I wasn't expecting a crowd of people surrounding the front desk. So many vampires, and worst of all they all looked pissed!

I tuned into my werewolf hearing, my curiosity getting the better of me. I blame my mother on that one.

"I can't believe you let a flea bag stay here!"

"She could be plotting something!"

"What if she kills while she's here?!"

You know I'm starting to think that coming here was a bad idea... and for some reason I don't think my charm is going to win them over this time.

And kill? Me?

Please I'm not the bloodsuckers here I've never intentionally killed someone for food. The only time I've ever killed someone was well- never now that I think about it.

The crowd seems to die down a little bit they're still yelling and screaming over each other and apparently it's all about me. I take this time to sneak out of my hiding place, I try to get to the front desk to return the keys.

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