Chapter 13

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No one's POV

"You know I'm just fine on my own!" Ruby said.

"Well congratulations on being the strongest child to sneak their way into Beacon, BRAVO!" Weiss snapped.

Ruby then cut a tree clean off with her scythe.

"Alright alright as entertaining as this is, let's get going." Technoblade said as the seven of them started walking.


Glynda walked towards Ozpin with a tablet in hand as they spectated the the students.

"Our last pair has been formed sir, Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren." She told him as she showed them the two.

"Poor boy, I couldn't possibly imagine those two getting along, still she's probably better off than Miss Nikos."

"Mhm." Ozpin said.

"I don't care what his transcripts say, that boy is not ready for this level of combat." Glynda said referring to Jaune.

"I take it Technoblade has met up with his teammates?" He asked.

"Naturally." Glynda said as Ozpin nodded.

He then looked on his tablet that was currently focused on Technoblade and his team along with Ruby and Weiss.

Back to them

"If they keep arguing, I'm gonna lose it." Sun said annoyed as he listened to Ruby and Weiss arguing again.

The reason for this argument was that they had been following Weiss for a bit before they realised she was going in circles so they were all sitting and waited.

"Alright, I'll deal with this." Buda said as he stood up before he bit his lollipop crushing it.

"Shaddup!" Buda snapped at them causing both girls to go quiet as they looked at him.

"Do you two really think that fighting is gonna do something? What we need to do is get to the temple and get the relics so we can go, so until this is over...I don't wanna hear another argument!"

"Hm...whatever." Weiss said as she walked away.

"She doesn't even know me, why can't she give me a chance?" Ruby asked.

"Don't worry Ruby, there will be a time when you will prove her wrong because I know you can, you're a strong kid." Technoblade said.

"Thanks Alex." Ruby said.

"Nooo problem." He said.

With that, they made their way to the temple which took about a half hour.

They were all on a Nevermore because Ruby had the bright idea to ride it all the way to the temple.

Technoblade thought it was a fun idea as he stood looking at the view however Weiss was not enjoying it as much.

"Ruby, I told you this was a bad idea!!" Weiss screamed.

"We're fine, stop worrying!" Ruby said.

"Oh I am so far beyond worrying!" Weiss exclaimed.

"In a good way?" Technoblade asked though he already knew the answer.

"In a bad way! A very bad way!" Weiss screamed.

"Well, why don't we just jump!" Ruby suggested.

"What!? Are you insane!?" Weiss asked her.

Ruby then jumped off the Nevermore.

"Oh you insufferable little red-" Weiss was cut off as the others following Ruby's lead except Jack.

"You realise that this is the best option, correct?" He asked her.

"No it isn't!!" Weiss screamed before her grip loosened as she was now falling.

"My oh my she is quite the handful." Jack said to himself before he put his hat in his pouch before he jumped off as well.

Jack dove through the air before he caught Weiss and held her close making her blush before he quickly flipped his body and landed on the ground.

"Well my fair lady, I believe I have just saved you, no need to be embarrassed." Jack said playfully.

"I-I could have saved myself, I didn't need your help!" Weiss said flustered.

"Of course, and you weren't going to be a pancake when you hit the ground however we all know that's true." Jack said.

"Agh! Let's just get to the temple." Weiss said as he gently put her down.

"Lead on, my fair lady." Jack said as Weiss huffed and started walking.

They caught up with the others and together they all went to the temple

"Great the gangs all here." Yang said.

"Now we can die together."

"What do you mean?" Technoblade asked.

And right at that moment, a Death Stalker roared from the other side.

"Oh, I see now." Technoblade said looking at it while internally laughing.

"Not if I can help it!" Ruby said as she launched herself into the Death Stalker for an attack but it hit her before she could do anything knocking her on the ground but she got back up.

"I'm okay, totally fine." She said.

Ruby turned back to the Death Stalker and shot at its armour only pissing it off before she and Yang as they both run at it.

A Nevermore then came out and sent a barrage of feathers at Ruby who barely managed to dodge but got her Cape while Yang just barely managed to get out of the way.

Technoblade's eyes widened when he saw Ruby about to get attacked by the Nevermore before he quickly threw an Ender pearl getting in front of her as he summoned his sword.

He blocked off the stinger as he glared at the Nevermore.

"Alex!?" Ruby exclaimed in shock.

"Can ya get out of the way?!" Technoblade said as he held off the stinger.

Adam put on his knuckleduster before he glared at the Death Stalker and was about to attack when Weiss beat him to it and froze it in place.

"You are so childish." Weiss said.

"Weiss?" Ruby said confused.

"And dim-witted, hyperactive and don't even get me started on your fighting style and I suppose I can be... difficult but if we're going to do this, we're going to have to do this together, so if you stop trying to show off, I will be...nicer." Weiss said.

'Wow character development, this is the kind you'd normally see in anime or cartoon movies.' Technoblade thought.


That's it for this chapter

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