Chapter 16

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No one's POV

Jack continued to walk before he stopped at a corner as he could hear the conversation between the two.

"Weiss!" Ruby called out to her.

"What?" Weiss asked angrily.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being-" Ruby was cut off however by Weiss.

"What's wrong with me!? What's wrong with you!! You're supposed to be a leader and all you have been so far is a nuisance!" Weiss snapped.

"What did I do?" Ruby asked.

"That's just it! You've done nothing to earn your position, back in the forest you acted like a child and continued to do so." Weiss said.

"Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk on working together? I thought you believed in acting like a team." Ruby said.

"Not a team led by you, I've studied and trained, and quite frankly I deserve better, Ozpin made a mistake."

Weiss then walked off and Jack blended in with the dark as Weiss walked past him not noticing his presence before he followed.

He saw her standing on the balcony staring off into the distance before he began to hum.

"London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down...London Bridge is falling" He sang catching Weiss attention as she turned to him.

"Oh, it's you." Weiss said as she turned back as Jack walked next to her.

"It's quite beautiful, wouldn't you agree?" Jack asked her as he glanced at her with his one eye.

They stood in silence for a few moments.

"So, something is on your mind, would you like to talk about it?" Jack asked curiously.

"'s just, I think I should have been the leader of team RWBY." Weiss said and Jack chuckled.

"While I acknowledge that you have great strength and an incredible mind." Jack began and Weiss blushed a bit.

"The idea of you being a leader is ridiculous."

"Excuse me?" Weiss asked.

"You have many talents, that is true but being a leader is not your strong suit." Jack said simply.

"What do you mean? I have worked hard to get where I am, I have trained with the best trainers, I'm one of the smartest people in the whole school." Weiss said.

"That's exactly it, do you realise what you have just told me?" Jack asked as he leaned forward quite a bit resting his arms on the railing of the balcony.

"From hearing all that and by looking at you, I gain the idea that you are the girl who got exactly what she wanted with the snap of a finger, everything handed to her on a silver platter and with no effort at all, Ruby probably didn't go to any special schools but she has heart." Jack said as he turned to her.

"Ruby cares about her teammates and from what I have seen, she put herself before everyone in order to protect them, you are not like Ruby, you can't be a good leader." He concluded.

Weiss then frowned hearing his words.

"But, you can be a better teammate and if I were you, I would start by being nicer to Ruby because she is your junior after all, but she is trying to take on the mature role of being leader." Jack said as he looked at her with a smile.

"Why are you so nice to me? You've seen how I have acted towards other people and get you have only been kind to me, even going as far to help me." Weiss said and Jack chuckled.

He turned to her as his red eye glowed as it began to swirl.

"Because I see the good in you, when I look I see no evil or malice but a goodness even though it is laced with some bad emotions, the good in you outranks the bad, I believe no...I know you are a good person." Jack said.

Weiss then moved closer to Jack and hugged him.

"Thank you." She said quietly.

Jack was surprised before he raised his arms and hugged her back.

"Of course, it's what friends do after all." Jack said as he stayed as long as she wanted him before she let go after a bit.

"Well, I have some things to attend to before my class, see you later, my fair lady." Jack chuckled as he put his monocle before walking away.

"Goodbye, kind sir." Weiss said and Jack gave a small laugh before he went about his business.


Night had rolled around as Jack had been out of his dorm going for a walk, he always enjoyed walking out at night as there was a nice quiet to it.

He continued to walk for a bit before he bumped into Weiss.

"Sorry/my apologies." They both said together.

They both looked at each other before sharing a chuckle.

"Did you talk to Ruby?" Jack asked softly.

"Yeah I did, I even saw her studying." Weiss said.

"See, she is trying." Jack said amused.

"So, what are you still doing up?" She asked him and Jack smiled.

"I often enjoyed taking a walk at night, it clears my head as well as having a cup of tea under the starry night is amazing." Jack said before he looked at Weiss.

"Would you like to join me?" Jack asked while Weiss looked at him surprised.

"W-Well since you offered, I-I would like to join you a-and perhaps w-we c-could start studying a-as well, you know...together ." Weiss said blushing and Jack smiled.

"Excellent and I would gladly accept, my fair lady." Jack said.

"S-stop calling me that." She said and Jack shook his head.

"Sadly I cannot, because from what I have observed, it seems you enjoy when I call you that." Jack said causing Weiss to blush more.

"So, shall we go?" Jack asked.

"Y-Yes." Weiss answered.

Together the two of them continued on their walk.


That's it for this chapter

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