Chapter 14

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No one's POV

"I'm not trying to show off, I just want to show you what I can do." Ruby said.

"You're fine." Weiss said as she walked away while Ruby was still on the ground as Technoblade walked over to her.

"Need a hand?" He asked smiling as he held his hand out to her which she took as he pulled her up.

"Thanks for saving me, but how did you get here so fast?" She asked and Technoblade chuckled.

"Now where would the magic be if I were to tell you that?" He asked.

Ruby then looked over at the Death Stalker in awe as it was struggling to break free before Yang came over and gave Ruby a hug.

"I'm so happy you're okay." Yang said before she looked over at Technoblade.

"Thanks for saving my sister, Alex." She said and Technoblade nodded.

"No problem, it's what friends do after all." Technoblade said before Yang hugged him as well.

Technoblade chuckled as he hugged her back before they looked up and saw the Nevermore flying over them.

"Guys, that thing is circling back, what are we going to do?" Jaune asked.

"Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying, our objective to is right in front of us." Weiss said.

"No, non, nem, nein!"

They turned to see Nikola shaking his head as he started walking.

"From what I am able to observe at the current moment, regardless of what we attempt to do now, the Nevermore and the Death Stalker will attack us, so I propose that we fight them off now to save the time." Nikola said as he looked at the two Grimm.

"True but we could simply take our artifacts to the cliff and be done with it." Buda said.

"Run and live, that an idea I can get behind." Jaune said.

Nikolas body crackled with electricity as he smiled.

"In order to advance one must first overcome the difficulties that have been placed before them, to not would be to go against nature which means you would want to go against science and that is something I simply cannot allow so you all can go but I cannot." He said.

"Man, all I wanted to do was sit around and suck on lollipops, not listen to a lecture but ya convinced me." Buda said as he crushed the lollipop in his mouth before spitting the stick out.

"You guys head out, me and Tesla will take care of these things."

Buda cracked his knuckles before he smiled showing his sharp canines.

"Besides if they wanna fight then who am I do decline?" Buda asked as he held out his hands before releasing a large amount of energy as a sigil of golden colour appeared behind him as he exuded energy.

The others nodded as they grabbed there relics before they headed back to the cliff and looked back in time to see a giant lightning bolt.

On the way they met up with Ren and Nora who saw the lightning bolt

"You think they're alright?" Ruby asked just as Buda and Tesla walked over to them while Buda unwrapped some candy.

"Yeah I'd say they're alright." Technoblade said chuckling.

After that they all started to head back towards the school to get their teams situated.


They were all in the auditorium while Ozpin called out four names to create the teams.

"Russel Thrush, Cardin Winchester, Dove Bronzewing and Sky Lark, the four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces and from this day on, you will work together as team CRDL led by Cardin Winchester." Ozpin announced.

The four who were called up to the stage then left together so the next four could come along.

"Jaune Arc, Lie Ren, Pyrrha Nikos and Nora Valkyrie, the four of you have collected the white Rook pieces and from this day on, you will work together as team JNPR, lead by Jaune Arc."

Technoblade was taken aback by this because by all accounts it seemed that within the team, Pyrrha would have been the better choice as leader but he supposed that Ozpin must have had some kind of plan.

Pyrrha playfully hit Jaunes shoulder and he was knocked on his butt like he was pushed and Technoblade shook his head.

They then left the stage as Weiss, Blake, Yang and Ruby headed up to the stage now.

"Blake Belladonna, Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long, the four of you have retrieved the white knight pieces, from this day forth you will be working as team RWBY, lead by Ruby Rose."

Technoblade was once again taken aback by this but once again he chalked it up to Ozpin knowing what he was doing but it was clear that Weiss was not happy when she heard this.

They headed off the stage when the next people were called up.

"Qin Shi Huang, Nikola Tesla, Monkey D Luffy and Etherious Natsu Dragneel, the four of you have collected the black knight pieces, from this day forth you will be working as Team LNNQ, lead by Qin Shi Huang." Ozpin announced.

Qin Shi Huang smiled as he adjusted his blindfold as the four got off the stage.

"And finally, Alex blade, Buda, Adam, Jack and Sun Wukong, the five of you have collected the black king pieces, from this day forth you will be working as team JABBS, lead by The Blade."

Technoblade froze when he heard his name called before Buda put an arm around his shoulder smiling.

"Don't worry buddy, it's alright." Buda said as they walked off the stage.

Everyone cheered louder than before, probably because a five person team has never happened before as he walked down as team RWBY came up to them.

"Congrats, being a five person team has never happened before." Yang said.

"Eh, we were already a team before this so they probably why." Sun said shrugging.

"I have a question, your last name Blade, does it possibly have a reference to something else?" Weiss asked.


That's it for this chapter

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Technoblade enters RWBYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora