Chapter 3

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No one's POV

Tai then put the food down in front of Technoblade.

"Hey Techno, if you have any questions, you can come to me about it, the same with Summer, okay?" Tai said and Technoblade saluted him.

"Sir yes sir."

"Heh, at ease, I'll be in my room if you need me." Tai said as he left the room.

Technoblade took the blanket off him as he took the plate and started eating.

He was about halfway finished with the sandwich when Yang came in again.

"I got it! I know how you can owe me back." Yang said and Technoblade nodded.

"That quickly huh?" Technoblade asked and Yang nodded.

"Yes and I decided I want to know about you." Yang said and Technoblade shrugged.

"Ask away."

"I want to know where you come from." Yang said.

"Place called DSMP." Technoblade said chuckling a bit.

"What type of Semblance do you have?" Yang asked.

"Semblance?" Technoblade asked confused.

"Y'know, your power, do you have any?" She asked and Technoblade thought for a second before he looked a her.

"I can create and craft items, potions, food, weapons and other stuff out of just about anything." Technoblade said.

"Wait seriously!?" Yang asked and Technoblade nodded.


"Can I see it pleeeeeeeease?" Yang asked.

"Nah, in not in the mood right now kid." Technoblade said.

"Aw come on please show me, pleeeeeeeease?" Yang asked again.

Yang looked at Technoblade with puppy dog eyes and he just raised an eyebrow.

"You really think that'll work on me?" Technoblade asked and Yang just pouted.

"Alright, alright but just one summon and that's it." Technoblade said.

Technoblade thought for a second before he chuckled before he just summoned his sword since he wasn't in the mood to craft.

"So COOL!!" Yang exclaimed seeing the sword appear out of thin air.

Technoblade just made the sword disappear.

"Anything else?" He asked.

"No but that was so cool! I'm going to tell my sister Ruby all about it!" Yang said.

"Is she the silver eyed one?" Technoblade asked curiously.

"Yeah, she wanted to say hi but was shy." Yang answered.

"I would love to meet her whenever she feels up to it." Technoblade said.

"Really? Great, she's going to love you, I know it!" Yang said as Technoblade started to get up grabbing his crown and putting it on.

"If she needs me, I'll he outside." Technoblade said as he walked out of the room.

He headed downstairs before he got outside seeing a bench as he sat down there.

The sun shone on his face for a bit before he turned to the left and saw Ruby looking at him, she was a bit nervous though.

"Something I can help you with?" Technoblade asked as he sat up.

She tried to run away again.

"Bruh..." Technoblade muttered as he took out an ender pearl as he threw it a little bit in front of Ruby before he teleported in front of her.

"Come in, if you wanna talk then I'll sit and talk, sound fair?" Technoblade asked.

Ruby nervously nodded her head and Technoblade smiled.

"Cool, just make sure you aren't like Yang and start flaming out." Technoblade said which got Ruby to start laughing a bit before she nodded again.

"Alright, why don't we start off with names huh? I'm Technoblade, but you can call me Techno and I would love to be your pal." Technoblade said as he held his hand out to her.

Ruby took his hand with her own before Technoblade decided to surprise her and made a funny face.

Ruby started laughing hard as she fell over before Technoblade helped her up.

She then hugged him tightly, this time taking him by surprise which did not often happen.

"Well, I'm glad to see you made a good impression on her." Tai said standing by the door as he looked at the two while Technoblade pat Ruby's head.

"What can I say, I'm a natural." Technoblade said even though he knew that was a total lie.

"Well, I have to go to the store, Techno can you watch them? My brother in law will be over here in a bit so you don't have to do much." Tai said and Technoblade nodded

"That's cool, I can handle two girls for a few hours." Technoblade said nonchalantly.

"Great, see ya Techno be back in a bit." Tai said as he started leaving.

"So what do you want to do?" Techno asked as he looked down at Ruby.

"Can we watch TV?" She asked.

"Eh, why not." Technoblade said.

After that Yang, Ruby and Technoblade were all watching cartoons together.

Technoblade had no idea when but he had fallen asleep.

He woke up to the sound of someone coming through the door as he got up and turned to see a man with dark Gray hair, red eyes, wearing a white and Gray shirt.

"Uncle Qrow!!" Ruby said happily as she ran over and have Qrow a hug.

"Good to see you kid, what are you doing?" Qrow asked looking at her.

"Nothing much, just watching cartoons with..."


"Yeah, and he's nice." Ruby said smiling happily.

"So you're the pig faunas everyone's been talking about." Qrow said as he looked at Technoblade.

"Yup apart from having no idea what a faunas is, but you must be the brother in law that Tai mentioned, right?" Technoblade asked.

"Yes I am, the coolest one in the whole group." Qrow said chuckling.

"Whatever you say buddy." Technoblade said.

Qrow then got serious as he looked at Technoblade.

"You mind if we talk for a minute?" He asked and Technoblade nodded.

"Sure." Technoblade said as he got up.

Technoblade followed Qrow upstairs as they went back to the room Technoblade had been sleeping in.

"Look, Tai already filled me in on what you told him." Qrow said and Technoblade raised an eyebrow.

"And you dragged me all the way up here to tell me this?" Technoblade asked.

"No there's more, I know about you...Blade."


That's it for this chapter

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