Chapter 22

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No one's POV

Team RWBY had finally left and that gave the others the chance they needed to head into town.

They decided to stop at a dust shop that the White Fang member had said would be robbed and once they got there, they saw broken glass from the window.

Inside there were people smashing glass cases as they got into action.

Jack merely jumped down as he reached into the pouches on his side's as he pulled out some knives.

"It's show time." Jack said as he threw all his knives at them.

They were all sent flying into the wall as their clothes were embedded to the wall along with them being stuck.

"It is not the way of a gentleman to rob others, especially those who do not deserve it." Jack said as he held one knife in his hand as a smile spread onto his face.

The White Fang members were trying to break free but they couldn't.

"I-It's Jack T-The Ripper!" One of them exclaimed as he frantically tried to break free.

"Now now, it is quite rude to want to run away whilst one tries to engage in a friendly conversation." Jack said before he dashed to the White Fang member as he grabbed his face and slammed his head into the wall.

He was knocked out instantly as Jack looked at the last two.

"You won't run, now will you?" He asked and both of them shook their heads quickly.

"Excellent, they're all yours." Jack said as Technoblade walked next to him and chuckled.

"Why thank you." Technoblade said.

"Now tell us who you're working for here in Vale."

"If they don't, I can dye them mt favourite colour." Jack said as his grin got bigger.

The two White Fang members screamed.

"W-We dont know!! Adam hasn't told us yet!" One of them said.

"So Adams still in charge, alright then." Technoblade said nodding.

"Alright then, you get to live but...if you lied to us hehe well you already know." Technoblade said as he and Jack walked out of the shop.

They looked ahead and saw that team RWBY was just a few feet away.

"You guys were amazing!" Ruby said.

"Thanks stranger, hey wait a minute, you seem familiar." Technoblade said pointing to her.

"Don't you remember? You met her at the dust shop." Jack said smiling.

"And I met her when I collected you."

"Hey that's right!" Ruby said smiling.

"Wait, you met them before?" Blake asked Ruby.

"She told me on the ship, on the first day of Beacon." Yang said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Weiss asked.

"Because I forgot okay? A lot has happened." Ruby said.

"Well then, what's a group like you ladies doing in a random part of town?" Technoblade asked tilting his head.

"We were sent by Ozpin to invite you to Beacon, he said you and your group would be good for Beacon." Ruby explained.

"A very nice offer but sadly we must decline." Jack said and he could see Weiss pout.

"Well, sorry to rain on your parade but if you don't come with us the easy way, we will use force." Yang said.

"And I thought this was an invitation." Buda said as he jumped down, towering over Technoblade and Jack.

He was dressed in his attire that he wore when he was out of vigilante work as he rested his six realm staff on his shoulder.

No one had seen him use that weapon so far so it was unfamiliar to them not to mention they couldn't recognise him in the dark.

"Perhaps we should send a reply back with them."

Sun and Adam were still on the roof as a means of support when needed as they observed quietly.

"Well then as interesting as this has been, we gotta go." Technoblade said before he saw a bullet get got past his face.

"As much as I don't want to do this, we will take you by force." Ruby said having aimed her sniper at them.

"Alright then, suit yourself." Technoblade said as he out his hands in his pockets.

The first one to attack was Blake who sent out a shadow of herself who went towards them but Jack retaliated by sending a storm of knives destroying the clone while forcing Blake to jump back so she could avoid the blades.

"Good first attempt." Jack said as he politely clapped his hands.

"Sadly it will not work."

Yang came at Buda with a barrage of punches but he just dodged them all effortlessly before he kicked her back.

"Not strong enough." He said simply.

Ruby then used her semblance as she went straight at Technoblade who summoned a bow and arrow as he fired multiple arrows at her.

She managed to avoid them all as she used her Sniper rifle in the scythe to try and shoot him but Technoblade quickly changed the bow and arrow for a shield as he blocked off the shots.

He then grabbed her leg before he threw her at her sister knocking over.

Blake quickly recovered as she tried to attack but Technoblade just dodged before Jack brought out a giant switchblade as he blocked off slashes aimed at them from before Buda appeared behind him as he swung his staff sending her flying at Ruby and Yang.

This meant that there was only Weiss left.

"I will take care of her." Jack said as Buda and Technoblade nodded as they backed off.

"How charming, it seems it is only you and I." Jack said.

"Why do you say that?" She asked and Jack chuckled.

"You'll find out soon." Jack said as he brought out some knives.

"I believe you're familiar with me in any case."

"Yes I do...Jack the Ripper." Weiss said as Jack quickly threw a storm of knives at her.

She deflected them with her Rapier before she charged at him, she was quick as Jack quickly jumped out of the way.


That's it for this chapter

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