Chapter 8

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No one's POV

"I hope you two realise that your actions won't be taken lightly." The huntress said as she turned to Ruby.

"You put yourself and others in great danger."

The huntress had dragged the two of them to an interrogation room.

"They started it." Ruby said.

"So basically you wanted us to do nothing? That's kinda counter the whole point of you guys isn't it?" Technoblade asked raising an eyebrow under his mask.

The huntress then turned to him.

"You should've taken better care of the situation and because of you, there are arrows near Dust till Dawn."

"Alright so me and my group made the crime rate go down by 35% and it's already way better than any of those cops are doing down there." Technoblade said as he crossed his arms.

"If it were up to me, I would send to you home and you out with a pat on the back...."

The girl next to Technoblade had a happy expression but Technoblade just counted down in his head.

"And a slap on the wrist."

'Ding Ding Ding, there's that follow up.' Technoblade thought.

The huntress then slammed her crop near the both of them causing the girl to flinch but Technoblade didn't even move.

Suddenly a footstep came from the dark as an horrifying aura suddenly appeared.

Both the huntress and the girl began to shake while Technoblade just looked behind him.

"Oh, there you are Jack." He said as Jack walked out of the darkness standing behind Technoblade.

"Forgive my tardiness in helping you earlier, I seemed to have been too late." Jack said.

"Eh, no worries." Technoblade said waving it off.

"Look, tell Ozpin that we are ready now, we're out of here." Technoblade said and got up.

"He knows where to find me and my group."

Technoblade and Jack were gone as soon as they got stood next to each other now appearing back in their base.

"Ya know, I gave those emergency instructions to be use immediately after you realise we get caught." Technoblade said as he turned to Adam who chuckled.

"My apologies." Adam said as he bit into the apple that was in his hand.

"No worries, anyway...tell the others we're going on a little trip." Technoblade said.

"Huh? Where are we going?" Buda asked as he walked into the room with Sun.

"Oh nowhere special, just Beacon Academy."


Technoblade was sitting on the Bullhead with his team as he looked over Vale, he had to admit the view was kinda nice.

He chose against wearing a mask and tied his hair into a low ponytail hiding it so even if he did see Ruby, she wouldn't recognise him.

They were getting close to the school grounds when Technoblade heard Ruby along with...Yang.

'Well, that make things difficult but I can manage.' Technoblade thought.

Before they had left, Technoblade had seen the news as a reporter talked about Torchwick.

Truth be told, Technoblade could have gotten rid of him then and there buuuut where would the fun in that be?

The only downside is that it's probably gonna be a while before he makes an appearance again.

'Meh I'll check it out later.' Technoblade though as he yawned.

"Something on your mind?" Adam asked him as he took a bite from his apple.

"Eh nothing really, just thinking about that Torchwick guy." Technoblade said as he leaned back a bit.

"Hm...he is an illusive one but we will get him in due time." Adam said with a small smile.

"Just have some faith."

"Yeah yeah true." Technoblade said chuckling.

When the ship landed, Technoblade saw some kid with blonde hair running out.

He went to the nearest garbage can before he promptly threw up.

"Altitude must have gotten to him, poor kid." Buda said as he sucked on his lollipop a bit.

They waited a bit for Ruby and Yang to walk past when before Technoblade turned to his team.

"Soooo who wants to head to the auditorium and go past the barfing kid whom we don't need to know until eh when it becomes relevant?" Technoblade asked.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to leave him alone?" Adam asked a bit concerned and Technoblade looked at Adam.

"I know why you care buuuuuut I do sorta wanna get there now so we can get some good seats." Technoblade said.

Everyone just looked at him before Technoblade sighed.

"Damn majority rules." Technoblade muttered before he turned and started walking to the blonde boy.

"Hey there buddy, you good?" Technoblade asked.

The guy then turned to Technoblade.

"I'm ok, it's just motion sickness is all, not used to the heights." He said.

"Don't worry about it." Technoblade said waving his hand.

"Anyway, you got a name?"

"It's Jaune, and your name is?" Jaune asked.

"Alex." Technoblade said using the first name he could think of.

"So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say this is your first year." Technoblade guessed and Jaune nodded.

"Yeah, I always wanted to be a warrior, just like my grandparents were." Jaune said.

"Didn't ask for your backstory buuuut anyway, me and my friends are on our way to the auditorium, wanna tag along?" Technoblade asked as he pointed to his friends.

"Sure, wait do you know where it is?" He asked and Technoblade shrugged.

"Nah we were probably going to ask someone."

Just before then they heard an explosion.

"Hold that thought." Technoblade said as he and his group ran towards the explosion.

When they got there, Technoblade saw Ruby and...Weiss Schnee.

He heard Weiss yelling at Ruby about how she was too young to attend Beacon.

"Technically anyone can attend Beacon." Jack interrupted as he walked over as Weiss turned to him.

"Says who?" She asked him and Jack looked at her.

"All it takes is good fighting and intelligence thus allowing you to go but where are my manners?"


That's it for this chapter

Drop a comment on what you thought of it



Technoblade enters RWBYOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora