Chapter 15

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No one's POV

"Oh! That's because my last name is Blade nothing really special about it." Technoblade said casually.

"Really?" Ruby asked and Technoblade nodded.

"Yup." He said while secretly hoping they were gullible enough to believe that.

"Alright then." Ruby said shrugging.

Technoblade was both relived and a bit dissapointed in Ruby in that moment.

"Well I'm tired, anyone else?" Blake asked.

"Yeah." They all said together.

As they went to their dorms, Adam saw Qins team talking to Jaunes as he tilted his head.

"What's up, Adam?" Sun asked as he walked next to him.

"Pyrrhas face is red, is she alright?" Adam asked and Sun looked over to them.

Her cheeks were pink as she talked to Nikola who was talking excitedly about something.

"Heh yeah she is." Sun said as he put his hand on Adams shoulder as they walked to their dorm.

Once they got their they all claimed their beds before getting into their pajamas.

They all got into bed and went to sleep after saying their good nights to each other.

Technoblade however didn't immediately fall asleep as he stared up at the ceiling.

"Heh, you two really have grown up." Technoblade muttered as he closed his eyes.

The next morning

Technoblade and his team woke up to the sound of construction next door which was team RWBY's dorm.

"Where could they have gotten tools from?" Sun groaned as he put his pillow over his face.

"No time to worry about that, we need to get ready for the day." Jack said as the others nodded before getting up

They got ready for the day and Technoblade decided he would see what the fuss coming from their room was.

"You guys head to class, I'll catch up." Technoblade said the others nodded.

They went on ahead while Technoblade walked to the door and opened it only to see Team RWBY rushing past him.

He was confused for a moment before he shrugged it off and walked after them.

He got to class and sat down next to Ruby who smiled at him as he smiled back at her.

Weiss was sitting next to Jack who smiled at her.

"Good morning, Weiss." He greeted quietly.

Weiss however just groaned in response as Jack raised an eyebrow.

"I noticed you were running, why is that?" He whispered.

"Because our "supposed to be leader" almost got us late." Weiss whispered back.

"How did she do that?" Jack asked curiously.

"Because we were making bunk beds." Weiss whispered.

"Well that explains the noise this morning." Jack said and after that the two went back to listening to Professor Port speak.

"Monsters, demons, prowlers over the night, yes the creatures of Grimm have many names but I merely refer to them as prey." Professor Port said.

Technoblade was already bored of this lesson, he was basically explaining things that he already knew.

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