Chapter 6

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No one's POV

Technoblade hugged Ruby, comforting her a bit before they heard the sound of the door opening downstairs.

"That must be mom!" Ruby said excitedly.

Ruby then did something and went straight through Technoblade leaving only a trail of rose petals.

'Well...that was unexpected.' Technoblade thought.

"Ruby, wait up!" Yang said as she followed the trail of rose petals while Technoblade followed.

When they got there however it wasn't Summer but it was in fact Qrow.

He looked sad and Technoblade immediately knew that there was no good news to come from this.

Tai came down the stairs as well, he was still very concerned.

"Qrow...where's Summer?" He asked.

He took 10 minutes before he said the words that hit everyone hard.

"Tai...she's gone."

Technoblade's eyes widened when he heard the sound of Ruby crying.

"Ruby I..." Technoblade tried to comfort her but she turned into petals again heading towards the room.

"RUBY! WAIT!!" Technoblade called after her as he ran to the room where he could hear her cry.

"Ruby I'm-" Technoblade was cut off by Ruby.

"Don't talk to me!" She snapped at him.

Technoblade was stunned by the tone of her voice.

"You lied to me! You said that she would be okay! YOU PROMISED ME!!"

"Look I -"

"Leave me alone! I hate you!! I don't want to see your stupid face again!!" Ruby screamed.

Technoblade stood there in a stunned silence before he nodded.

Without word he left her room and went back to his own.

Technoblade sat down on the bed before he looked out the window.

"I hate the irony of this world, I get betrayed like 13 times over and the one time I do it unintentionally...I betray someone who didn't deserve it the most." Technoblade muttered.


Two weeks had passed since then and it was now the day of Summers funeral.

No one knew that Technoblade was planning on leaving, reason being was so that he could leave without a trace.

Everyone said some words while Technoblade just watched them go in silence, he also met this Ozpin guy though.

He had silver hair, small glasses, with a green outfit along with a green scarf on it while holding a cane.

"You must be Technoblade from L'manburg correct?" Ozpin asked and Technoblade nodded.

"That be me." He said.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you." Ozpin said.

"So you're her boss." Technoblade asked him.

"Yes and it's a sad day for all of us indeed, she was one of my best students at my school." Ozpin said sadly.

Technoblade looked back at Summers grave before he managed a small smile.

"You know, I do see that being the case." He said.

"Technoblade, you can come to my school if you ever so choose too, there is a reason she would save you." Ozpin said and Technoblade looked at him.

"Ya know, maybe I'll take you up on that offer but not now, I have other matters to attend to for the time being." Technoblade said.

"I understand, you go at your own pace, okay?" Ozpin said and Technoblade nodded.


Technoblade walked to the grave and sat down when everyone left.

He sat in front of the grave before he took off his mask revealing his eyes that now glowed red.

"Whoever did this...whoever caused your death, they will face the wrath of the Blood God." Technoblade said before he put his mask back on.

Technoblade got up and walked back to the house before he went straight to his room.

He closed his eyes and prepared for what was to come.

It was 3:25 am.

Technoblade was dressed and ready to leave.

He quietly made his way down the stairs as he put his hand on the door.

"Going somewhere?"

Technoblade glanced over his shoulder and saw Qrow holding something.

"I'm just heading out for a bit, I'll be back." Technoblade said.

"Listen Techno, I'm not going to tell you to stay, I wanted to give you something after the funeral ended but I didn't see you." Qrow said as he handed Technoblade a while cloak.

"It belonged to Summer, but I think she might want you to hold onto it."

Technoblade looked at it before he chuckled.

"You guys are way to kind to some stranger you met a few weeks ago." Technoblade said.

"Don't tell the others I left."

"Sure thing."

Technoblade left the house and started walking.

That was the last night any of them had seen him and since then Technoblade had studied up on everything that was going on in the world he was in.

He learnt of the various types of Grimm's the old fashioned way, by fighting them off and going from their.

Along the way, he had met some people and now, he wasn't so alone anymore.

They trained together and continued to study as they traversed the world of Remnant.

Technoblade had learnt about the faunas and human civil rights movement and how Faunas were treated.

Soon...Technoblade became the Vigilante known as the Blade or the Blood God while the members of his group all gained their own names making them all unique in their own fields.

In a sense, they were all family, true they were an odd bunch but hey like they say, families come in all shapes and sizes.

But what drove Technoblade the most was the promise he made, he and his group had been looking for any clues on who killed Summer but when they found them...they were as good as dead.

Technoblade promised that he would find the ones who killed Ruby's mother and give them a fate much worse than any death imaginable even if it meant that he would have to do some things that he was not proud of in order to do so.


That's it for this chapter

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