Chapter 5

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No one's POV

Technoblade got Yang and brought both of them down for lunch.

He set the table and poured some juice for the girls before sitting down while Qrow came over with the meatloaf and served it to everyone.

Once he was done all of them dug in and Technoblade had to admit that it was actually pretty good.

"Man, this is something and the good something." Technoblade said.

"Thanks, I don't usually cook that often since I'm out on missions but when I do, it's some really good stuff." Qrow said, proud of himself.

"You don't say." Technoblade said with a chuckle.

"Also, what do you do? You said something about going out on missions?"

"Well, I'm what's called a huntsman, I have missions to do to make sure that people are safe, sometimes if I'm lucky I could save an entire village." Qrow explained.

"What exactly is a Huntsman?" Technoblade asked.

"Huntsmen and Huntresses are licensed elite warriors dedicated to slaying the creatures of Grimm and whose duty is to "uphold the peace" in the world." Qrow explained to him.

"Was there a war of some kind before?" Technoblade asked interested.

"Oh plenty, too many to count, makes me glad that I'm a huntsman Makin sure that the world is safe from evil or itself."

"Well, I'm glad there are people who care so much..." Technoblade trailed off not sure he would be able to finish that sentence considering...well just about everything he's done.

He was an anarchist who believed in being free from the oppression that is the government, this whole Huntsman thing sounds more like some group organised by some kind of leader though they had a good long would that last?

Technoblade finished his meatloaf before he got up and walked over to the couch sitting down.

"Wake me up when Tai gets back, will ya?" Technoblade asked.

"Sure, but you raise the question, he hasn't been back in a good minute, he should have been back a half hour ago." Qrow said before he took out something and started to call Tai.

Technoblade looked at what he was using and tilted his head.

"Yo Tai, where are you? You were supposed to be back here a while ago...uh huh, okay thanks but get back here soon, I have places to be y'know, see ya." Qrow said before he hung up the call.

"What is that?" Technoblade asked.

"Oh it's called a Scroll." Qrow said.

"So what did Tai say?" Technoblade asked.

"He said that he had to go to a different store that was further away because the one close to us had run out of things that we needed, man I hate it when that happens." Qrow said.

"So when is he coming back?" Technoblade asked.

"About half an hour." Qrow answered and Technoblade nodded.

"Anyway I'm gonna head upstairs now." Technoblade said as he got up and walked back to his room.

"I'll let you know when he gets back." Qrow said and Technoblade nodded.


Technoblade walked up to his room before he took off his crown and put it in his inventory before collapsing and closing his eyes.


Four days had passed since Summer had left for a mission and everyone was acting different from when Technoblade had first met them.

Tai was tense and worried sick as well as kept checking in with someone named Ozpin but he wasn't getting an answer on the scroll which only made him more worried.

Ruby hadn't been her usual joyful self, she was more in her head thinking about her mother while Yang was comforting her to calm her down and not as worried as Tai was at the time.

Qrow hadn't come back since Ozpin called him two days before and he hasn't gotten back to Tai which wasn't helping either.

Technoblade was worried about them but he was also a little worried about Summer, she had saved his life so he felt he owed he had to admit that she was a good person.

After a while he decided to check on the girls to see how they were doing.

He stood outside the door and knocked.

"Heya, it's your resident Piglin, am I allowed to come in?" He asked.

There was silence for a bit before he heard the pitter patter of little feet on the ground getting closer to the door before it opened revealing Yang.

"Hey Techno." Yang greeted him.

"Hey there Fire Starter, I'm gonna be honest here I'm not one that's good to help in situations like this but maybe I can help where I can to cheer Ruby up a little." Technoblade suggested.

Yang thought about what he had said for a bit.

"Okay, come in." She said moving out of the way a little.

Technoblade walked in and saw the bunk beds before looking at the top bunk where he saw Ruby so he climbed up there.

"Hey there Rose bud, been a while since we've seen each other." Technoblade said with a little smile.

Ruby looked happier for just a split second before it was gone just as fast.

"So what's got you so down in the dumps? Come on, you can tell this old pig." Technoblade asked.

Ruby gave a small chuckle but it was still filled with so much sadness.

"Come on Ruby, tell me what's wrong." Technoblade said getting serious.

"I miss mom..." She spoke finally.

"Don't worry Ruby, she is a strong fighter, I'm sure she'll be back and we can all relax for a day, I know you're worried but I've seen what your mom can do so you don't need to worry so much, now let's outside and you girls can play hehe I can even let you kids fly for a bit." Technoblade said smiling.

Ruby smiled before she hugged Technoblade who chuckled.

"Don't worry Rose petal, everything will be fine." Technoblade said.


Technoblade looked down at her before he smiled.



That's it for this chapter

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Technoblade enters RWBYDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora