Chapter 12

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No one's POV

Jack stood in place before he heard an announcement to head to the Cliffside of Emerald forest, he tightened his pouches that were on his side before he put on his coat.

He walked to where he needed to be as he met with the rest of his team.

Together they all made their way to the designated area.

They were all on the Cliffside standing on sort of pad things as Ozpin started talking.

"For years, you have trained to become warriors and today your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald forest." Ozpin said.

Then the huntress known as Glynda started to talk.

"Now, I'm sure many of you heard about the assignment of teams, well allow me to put an end to your confusion, each of you will be given teammates, today." Glynda explained.

Ruby then sighed in sadness.

"These teammates will be here for the rest of your time here at Beacon, so it's ok your very best interest that you pair with someone who you can work well with." Ozpin said as Ruby awwed in sadness.

"That being said, the next person you make eye contact with after landing will be your teammates for the next four years." Ozpin said.

"Whaaaaaaat!?" Ruby asked in shock.

"See I told you." Someone said.

"After you partner up, make your way to the northern end of the forest, you will meet opposition along the way, do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path or you will die." Ozpin said.

"You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation but our instructors will not intervene, you will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing a few relics, each pair must choose one and return to the Cliffside, does anyone have any questions?" Ozpin asked.

Jaune was about to ask something before Ozpin interrupted him.

"Good now get into position." Ozpin said.

"Uh sir, I have a question." Jaune said.

Technoblade looked and saw Weiss get launched and without word took out a potion.

"So this landing strategy thing, what is it? Are you like dropping us off?" Jaune asked.

"No you will be falling." Ozpin said.

Then Nikola was launched into the air.

"Wow, I see that, so like you're gonna hand out parachutes for us?" Jaune asked hopefully.

"No, you will be using your own landing strategy." Ozpin said simply.

Yang was then launched into the air while wearing a pair of shades just before Jack was sent as well.

"Oh, huh, that." Jaune said nodding.

Ruby then got launched as well while Buda followed after.

So...uh...what exactly is a landing strategyyyyyy!!!!???" Jaune screamed as he got launched.

"Welp guess I'm next." Technoblade said simply as he turned to Sun.

"See ya down there." He said before turning to Ozpin.

"See ya old man."

And with that, Technoblade was launched into the sky.

Technoblade looked around at other people's landing strategy as he fell.

Weiss had used her glymphs, Yang used her gauntlets while Ruby used her scythe.

He decided to look at what his teammates were doing.

Jack had shot a grappling hook into the side of the cliff as he descended down, Adam and Buda were just relaxing as they fell through the air, Sun was just having the time of his life as he screamed in joy while falling.

Technoblade shook his head before he drank his potion

"Probably could have used my Elytra buuuuut haven't used the good old potion of invincibility in a good while." Technoblade said to himself before he saw the ground coming into sight.

He landed on the ground hard leaving a bit of a crater before he stood up and dusted himself off.

"Not to shabby a landing if I do say so myself." Technoblade said as he nodded.

Technoblade took a moment as he looked at the sky before he started walking North.

He was killing off Grimm easily with his Orphan Obliterator it took a little longer but he was okay with that.

"Bruh, you'd think they'd learn that if you can't beat me by now then there's really no chance at all anymore." Technoblade said as he pulled his sword out of a Grimm's head as it turned to dust.

He kept on walking before he eventually found Buda and Jack.

"Oh hey, there you are." Buda said as he rested his staff on his shoulder while Jack adjusted his hat a bit.

"Yeah didn't know where I was launched soooooo eh." Technoblade shrugged.

"Well then, shall we go find the others?" Jack suggested and the two nodded as they continued walking North.

They found Adam laying against a tree when he saw them and smiled as he got up.

"Was wondering when you guys would get here." Adam said as he stretched a bit.

"I was a bit worried something happened."

"Nah, just had to find you guys." Technoblade said before Sun jumped down from a tree.

"Guys! I got it!" Sun said as he showed them relics for each of them.

"Hey good job, but let's put that away for now." Technoblade said and Sun nodded as he handed it to him.

Technoblade had to make space so he took out his bucket and put it down before putting the relic in its place before he handed the others to Jack who put them in his pouch.

"Welp, let's get out of here." Technoblade said.

They continued walking before they came across Ruby and Weiss who were fighting Beowulfs.

"Who wants to bet those guys became teammates?" Buda asked with a small grin.

"Nah that would a losing bet, of course they are because that's the usual cliche that's employed." Technoblade said before they were seen by the two.

"Hey guys!" Ruby greeted them.

"Hey/Hello Ruby." They all greeted her.

"Ruby!" Weiss said as she walked past them to Ruby.

"You dolt! You left me! We're supposed to stick together and I'm not having my grade go down on the first day because you can't follow a simple task!" Weiss snapped and thus began an argument between the two.

"Do they enjoy arguing or something?" Technoblade wondered.


That's it for this chapter

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