Chapter 10

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No one's POV

They all turned and listen to Ozpin give speech before he walked away.

"That was...something." Sun said not exactly sure about what he could say.

Technoblade turned to see Jaune walking towards Weiss.

"I'm a natural blonde y'know." He said and Technoblade facepalmed as he and his friends just walked to where they needed to be.


Technoblade was setting up his sleeping bag before he heard someone call his name as he turned to see Yang walking towards him with Ruby.

Admittedly he thought he had been found out but realised there would have been a different reaction if that was it.

"Helloooo, I believe you and my sister know each other." Yang said as Technoblade stood up.

"Yeah I do, I mean her introduction was kind of "explosive" if you ask me." Technoblade said.

"Hehe, you're funny so what's your name?" She asked.

"Alex and yours?" Technoblade asked as if he didn't know.

"Yang, Ruby's older sister." Yang said.

"Really? Not trying to be rude or anything but you two look nothing alike." Technoblade said.

"Same father, different mothers." Yang explained.

"Ah, that makes sense, so do you need anything?" Technoblade asked.

"Just trying to help my sister make a friend is all." Yang said with a shrug.

"Yang shut it! I said I'm perfectly fine trying to find a friend." Ruby said angrily.

"I thought we already established a friendship with the guys and Jaune?" Technoblade asked.

"Oh, I didn't really know." Ruby said.

"Y'know, we're here too right?" Buda asked laying against a tree while sucking on a lollipop while the others nodded.

"As are we." Qin Shi Huang said as he sat on his knees.

Nikola was there was well but he was too busy writing something down to notice them at the time while he held a flashlight in his other hand.

"Don't mind Nikola, he's a bit of a nerd but a cool one, anyway we're cool and if your sister is cool with it, we'd be happy to be friends with her as well." Technoblade said.

"I'm cool being friends." Yang said and Technoblade chuckled.


"Weeeeeelll... we're making more friends so come on." Yang said and Technoblade raised an eyebrow.

"You know that's not how friends work right?" He asked.

"Well there's a lot you need to know about me." Yang said.

Technoblade was silent at that, he was glad that she didn't recognise his voice or the fact that he was the only one they probably ever knew with pink hair and pointed ears.

'Bruh, it's not like I want them to know it's me but seriously.' Technoblade thought.

Without much word Yang began to drag both Technoblade and Ruby to the girl with a bow that they had met before.

It was clear that she was into the book she was reading and didn't want to be annoyed by Yang but in this situation Technoblade was way too lazy to control her actions and because Yang was Yang after all.

"Helloooo, I believe you three know each other?" Yang called out to the girl before the girl looked at Ruby.

"Aren't you the girl that exploded?" She asked.

"Uh yeah, my name's Ruby." Ruby said.

Ruby held out her hand for the girl to shake but she didn't take it.

"But you can also call me cra-"

"Ruby Ruby, don't finish that sentence for your sake." Technoblade said rubbing his face.

"Nevermind." Ruby said.

"Okay?" He girl said confused.

She then saw Technoblade out the corner of her eye.

"Weren't you there when it happened?" She asked.

"Yeah I was, you were spitting facts at Weiss earlier today." Technoblade said chuckling.

"So what's your name?" Yang asked.


"Well Blake, I'm Yang, Ruby's older sister and this is Alex one of our friends." Yang introduced them.

"And I'm Sun."

They all looked up and saw Sun hanging upsidedown by his tail as he smiled.

"Sun? When did you get here?" Technoblade asked.

"Oh I've always been here, I just didn't say anything." Sun said.

"Anyway hey there." Sun said as he waved at Blake.

"I like your bow." Yang said.

"Thanks." Blake said but you could hear the sarcasm in her voice.

"It goes great with your...pajamas." Yang said.

Sun swayed back and forth before he flipped in the air landing on his feet.

"It is a nice night don't ya think?" Sun asked as he looked at the sky.

"Yes, it's lovely, almost as lovely as this book...that I will continue to soon as you leave." Blake said.

"Hey wait a minute...I know this book." Sun said with a cheeky grin as he looked at the cover.

"What?" Technoblade said as he looked at Sun.

Blake however hid her surprise and went back to her book.

"Yeah this girls a lost cause." Yang said.

"What's it about?" Ruby asked curiously.

"Huh?" Blake asked looking at Ruby.

"Your book, does it have a name?" Ruby asked.

"Oh oh! I know, that's the one about the man with two souls and each one is trying to take control over the body." Sun said as he sat down.

"I just started reading that book, it's pretty good so far."

"Oh yeah, that's real lovely." Yang said.

Technoblade just elbowed her and she understood that as she went quiet.

"I love books, Yang used to read to me every night before bed, stories about heroes and monsters, there one of the reasons why I wanted to become a huntress." Ruby said.

"Why is that? Hoping you get your happily ever after?" Blake asked.

"Well I hope we all will, as a girl I wanted to be just like those heroes in those books, as someone who fought for what was right and protected people who couldn't protect themselves." Ruby said.

'Why do all people love the heroes?' Technoblade thought.

"Well that's very ambitious for a child, unfortunately the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale." Blake said.

"Well that's why we are here, to make it better." Ruby said.

"Oh I'm so proud of my baby sister!" Yang said as she picked her up and both started to fight like cats and dogs.


That's it for this chapter

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