Chapter 21

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No one's POV

Technoblade had returned and slept for two hours before he had to get up so he could get to class on time.

It was a pain in the ass just to be in some classes since they were boring and because Technoblade could probably teach better than those certain teachers.

They were in the middle of a class as they barely listened to Professor Port give a speech about himself again, to this day Technoblade still has no clue what this class is even supposed to be about.

They then heard Glynda announce that she wanted to see Technoblade as well as Qin Shi Huang's team as Ozpin would like to speak to them.

Technoblade stretched as he got up before he started walking as the others followed him.

"Finally, out of that stupid class with the boring lectures." Luffy said happily.

"It's kinda weird though." Natsu said.

"Eh whatever it is, we don't have to worry about Port anymore and his lame speeches." Technoblade said.

They got to Ozpins office where Glynda saw them all and walked over to them.

"Ozpin has a few things to say, go and take a seat please." She said and they all nodded and walked in.

They all went in and took a seat on the chairs that were placed in front of Ozpins desk.

"Hello Team JABBS and LNNQ, or should I refer to you all as Team Anarchy?" Ozpin asked them.

"Alright ya busted us, so what exactly is it that you want but keep this on the down-low ya know, until we get around to telling the others." Technoblade said as he looked over at Glynda.

"That goes for you too." He said.

"Reasonable, anyways, I need both of you teams to prepare something." Ozpin said as they all looked at each other before back at him.

"What does that mean?" Adam asked tilting his head.

"I want your team to fight team RWBY while LNNQ fights team JNPR." Ozpin said.

"Wait...what?! I don't know what you have been drinking but even you can see that's a bad idea!" Technoblade asked hoping he wasn't hearing what he thought he did.

"Who, for you or teams RWBY and JNPR?" Ozpin asked.

"You know, we're trying to keep that life a secret, what are you doing this for?" Technoblade asked him.

"Because you are all powerful figures all bearing their own strength and talents that interest most people because you know, you don't have an aura." Ozpin said.

"That's not technically true, we all have very little of it because our abilities overpower having an aura." Technoblade said.

"But what if they find out?"

"Well, you kept it a secret for this long haven't you?" Ozpin said raising an eyebrow.

"You know it's Ruby and Yang that are the problem but imagine how they would feel about Jack, haven't you thought about what would happen if people were to figure out who he is?" He asked while Jack remained silent.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out." Ozpin said and Technoblade wanted to strangle this guy.

"I'm alright with this." Jack said breaking Technoblade's thoughts of strangling an old man.

"Should they find out, then so be it."

"You are no helping but...alright then, we'll help you but only because it will benefit their skills." Technoblade said.

"It won't only help them, it will also give you the courage to come clean." Ozpin said.

"Do not push it old man, you are potentially responsible for ruining someone's life." Qin Shi Huang said as both teams got up.

They returned to the elevator and Technoblade started to discuss what the plan of action would be.

"We can't fight them together so we'll alternate, team RWBY is most likely going to attack first while JNPR needs to plan things out first so we'll go while you guys wait in the shadows just in case JNPR does make an early appearance." Technoblade said and they nodded in agreement.

"Let's just try not to hurt them." Adam said.


It was the end of school and both teams had gone to their dorms to prepare, this would be the first time they would all be going together when usually two was enough.

They heard someone at the door as Jack walked over and opened it a bit seeing it was Weiss.

"Hello Weiss, may I help you?" Jack asked with a small smile.

"Hello Jack, Ruby wanted you along with the others to tag along with us on a mission from Ozpin." Weiss said and Jack raised an eyebrow.

"And that mission would be?" He asked feining curiousity.

"We're going to bring the four core members of team Anarchy to Ozpin, you know, the vigilante group that goes around remnant." Weiss explained and Jack nodded.

"Yes I have heard of them, I always thought they were just a legend though." Jack said.

"Are you kidding? They're on the same skill level as Pyrrha, maybe even better, they have powers that no person has heard of, they are basically untouchable, the definition of huntsmen, it's going to be amazing to meet them in person." Weiss said.

"You do know that Jack The Ripper is with them as well correct?" He asked when he noticed Weiss stiffen.

"Ah, yes...him." She said quietly not wanting to show any form of fear but Jack saw it...

"Well...that sounds like an amazing offer but Ozpin requires our assistance with some other task." Jack said.

"Oh ok, maybe i-if you're free later we could, you know...h-hang out?" Weiss asked.

Jack looked at her knowing this might be the last time she could consider him in this way before she found out.

"I' that." He said with a smile.

"Great, see you tomorrow." Weiss said as she left but she was still excited.

As Jack leaned against the door before he sighed and walked back into the room closing the door as he and the others continued to get ready.


That's it for this chapter

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