"I will have to ask the guys... So after that we can decide "He took his phone from his pocket and quickly sent a message to his group.

NJ : Can my brother and Jungkook come?
Hobi: Yes to Jungkook🥳🥳
Yoongi: You have a brother?

Jinnie : Ahh this guy..stop sleeping so much or you will miss what's happening around the world.
Jinnie : Yeah, sure, Joon, bring the kids... It's not like we are drinking or smoking; it's just pizza and movies.
Yoongi: I'm drinking
Jinnie: You won't yoongi

They continued arguing on the chat while Joon looked up.
"Yeah..you can come.. On a positive note, Yoongi doesn't even know you exist." Joon grinned at Tae who looked like he got an electric shock.
"WHATTT?! Who doesn't know me, " Tae squealed while Jungkook and Namjoon laughed

"Are you sure, Joonie?"
"Yeah, we are watching movies and getting food, mom. I'll take care of them and the guys  know them"
"I guess its ok then..but do take care, ok baby.. especially this one she pointed at Taehyung"
"Mom.." he cried
"I know you are wearing your skull shirt under your hoodie." Minah said keeping her hands in her hips.
"No, I'm not." Tae answered while tugging on to his hoodie tightly in hile ajungkook struggled to suppress his laugh.
"I dare you to open your hoodie then."
"No..." Tae said pursing his lips.
Joon scratched his forehead, smiling.
"I'll keep an eye on him, mom, don't worry."
"Then have fun and call me if you need a ride back, ok?"
"Yeah mom" Joon  hugged her before walking out.
They decided to walk since it was not that far from their house and stopped at a big, modern, sleek house and knocked.
Jin opened the door smiling
"They re here..." he yelled to the people inside.
" Come inside"

Jungkook looked inside the house nervously. He held his backpack tight while walking inside.
"Heyyy..you are jungkook arent you ?" Hoseok appeared with his sunshine smile and asked Jungkook
"Yeah," he said softly.
"Hoseok.." he extended his hands to Jungkook.
Jungkook gulped down looking at hobis hands and slowly began to lift his hands up to shake..
Joon immediately gave  his hands to hobi
"He practice Taekwondo " he said smiling.
"Oh, you do. !!! " Hoseok backed a little, earning a laugh from Jin
"anyway..hii Taehyung" Hobi greeted Tae.
"Hii hyung" he waved enthusiastically
"Where is yoongi?" Joon aksed
"He is smoking outside." Jin said with a disgusted face.
Joon nodded
"Oh, he smokes too..he is coolll " tae whispered in Kook's ear.
"What..?! it's disgusting" Jungkook whispered back
Suddenly Yoongi came opening the kitchen door with a cloud of smoke following him.
"I told you to keep that smell outside, Yoongi." Jin said covering his nose.
"It's my house, " Yoongi said
"so I don't want to die of cancer from your disgusting smoke."
"Hey, stop arguing..we have guests.." Hoseok reminded pointing at Tae and Jungkook
Yoongi gave a small nod in their direction to which Tae gave a big smile back.
"Come kids...Let's go order food. What do you want to eat? order away Yoongi is paying " Hoseok asked keeping an arm on Taehyung's shoulder.
"Pizzaaa.." Tae said happily and followed Hoseek and Jin to the stairs to Yoongi's room.
"Come.." Joon kept a hand on Jungkook's back and guided him to the stairs.

Jungkook suddenly got goosebumps on his skin under his sweater from his sudden touch. He looked at Joon with his doe eyes; he knew he did that without thinking much like he does to his friends.And when Namjoon looked at him their eyes locked once again and he removed his hands Immediately "
"I'm sorry. Go ahead." He showed Jungkook the way.
Jungkook bowed a little and moved forward.
Yoongi watched them with a grin from the kitchen.


They ordered pizza and settled in the living room to watch Marvel. Tae decided to squeeze in between Joon and Yoongi.
"So, Yoongi Hyung, you like Marvel... "he whispered
"Yeah..but I like Frozen better." Yoongi saidkeeping his face  straight..
"WHAT ?! "Tae yelled
"Shhh. Some people actually want to watch the movie." Jin scolded
"Like you haven't watched this a million time.ms i'm going for a smoke."
"You just smoked; I swear you are going to die soon."
Yoongi ignored Jin and walked out and Tae got up to follow him.Joon glared at Tae, and Tae gave a boxy smile and walked outside where yoongi went"m.
"This kid" he sighed
"He'll be fine. Jungkook reassured him" he is a little crazy, but he knows his limits."
Joon looked at Jungkook who was sitting between him and Jin .
Joon nodded
"Now do I need to kick you both out?" Jin glared at them
Joon shook his head, and they continued watching the Movie

Yoongi stood outside in the backyard lighting a cigarette . He saw Taehyung approaching him.
"Why are you here..I'm going to smoke"
"Its ok.." Tae smiled
"Your parents will probably kill you if you go back smelling like cigarettes."
He said while leaving smoke out of his mouth.
"You smoke all the time?"
"Yeah..its bad..trying to quit..but its hard..Jin hates it."
"Is that why I haven't seen you with them much?"
He nodded " yeah jin don't allow me near them if i smoke" He took another puff.
Yoongi looked at Taehyung
"Is it true that you beat up someone in your old school?"
"Yeah, that's what I heard... i didn't want to believe any rumours so I wanted to ask"
Yoongi smiled at how open the younger was.
"You are nothing like your brother, aren't you?"
"No i m way cooler.." he winked
He smiled again, and Tae admired his gummy smile.
Yes , I did beat up someone..i had some issues with the boys there..they found out I was gay and tried to bully me, and I was not having it..so the school ended up expelling me..because you know the world is unfair.." he sighed and took another puff.
"Ohhh..." Tae smiled , relieved that he actually had a reason for acting that way.
Yoongi noticed how the smoke was all over Tae and how he slightly coughed.
He threw away the half-burnt cigarette and asked
"So how is Jungkook doing? Jin told me about him recently."
"He is better. He was not before. He still gets sad sometimes, but I think he's doing better overall."
"Hmm..he is a sweet kid.."
"Yeah, he is."
"Tae..." Joon opened the door and came out looking for the younger
"Come back.." he rolled his eyes at Tae
"Yeah hyung.." He waved Yoongi bye and went back to his side to plop down near Jungkook, hugging him.
"He is amazing, Kookie. I think I really am in love."
Tae whispered
Jungkook frowned at him, not understanding what happened outside.
But he chose not to ask since he saw Yoongi and Joon walking back inside.
The rest of the movie they watched silently while Namjoon's eyes darted towards Jungkook, who fell asleep leaning on Jin and was snoring slightly with his mouth slightly open. He was hugging a pillow tightly and looked absolutely adorable. Unknowingly, a smile crept onto his face.

And Yoongi whose eyes were everywhere except the movie smiled at himself seeing this.
"It's like a fucking kdrama," he whispered to himself.
"Shut the fuck up!!" Jin yelled.
Jungkook jerked awake,, "Iron Man, don't die,"
Everyone broke out to a laugh  while Jungkook smiled sheepishly.

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